Summary to see more than what is a national criminal record? A national criminal record is an official register which lists the criminal convictions of a person. In France, there are three types of legal records.
The request of a national criminal record can be made for various reasons, depending on the administrative, legal, or professional context. Here are some of the most common reasons: what are the three types of criminal record extracts, Bulletin No. 1 Bulletin No. 1 is the most complete. He lists all criminal convictions: crimes, crimes, tickets. It includes justice decisions, such as prison terms, fines, alternative penalties to incarceration (work of general interest), as well as decisions relating to safety or judicial control measures. Make magistrates, judges of application of sentences, as well as penal establishments and judicial authorities may have access to it. This bulletin is confidential and its access is limited to preserving the privacy of the people concerned. It is used to manage the execution of sentences and judicial measures. Bulletin n ° 2The Bulletin No. 2 is a detailed extract from a person’s convictions, but it includes certain limitations compared to bulletin n ° 1, because not all are there. Certain judicial decisions, such as those concerning light sentences (minor fines, suspended prison terms) or rehabilitation decisions, can be excluded. It can be consulted by public administrations (for the issuance of certain administrative documents or in the context of control procedures) and private organizations, such as employers for verifications in the context of recruitment in 3The bulletin n ° 3 is the most limited and most simplified of the three. It only contains the most serious convictions, those for crimes, sexual crimes or convictions that may have an impact on public security. It is intended to be used in situations where the judicial history of a person must be assessed. Except exceptions, only the holder can request it to consult his own locker. It can be requested for administrative procedures, such as the request of certain permits or visas abroad, or for verifications within the framework of recruitment in high -level professions. To read also: Assignment in justice: Definition and compulsory notices What judicial record is requested by the employer? Extract from bulletin n ° 2 of the criminal record may require an extract from Bulletin No. 2 of the criminal judicial of a candidate during the recruitment process, but only for certain types of employment. It must necessarily go through an administrative authority in connection with the sector of activity, this bulletin is never given to the person concerned, it can only consult it on request. Employment in educational establishments or to minors, to verify that the candidate has no convictions for offenses in connection with minors. PROFESSIONS linked to security (security agent, public transport driver, or staff working in sensitive places). Health, social or vulnerable people, to verify the absence of serious convictions. Extract from bulletin n ° 3 from the criminal record in certain specific cases, such as the request for a sensitive post, an employer can request an extract from bulletin n ° 3, but this remains quite rare and mainly concerns the professions where the serious judicial history are particularly monitored. Note that the employer does not have the right to keep the criminal record, he can just consult it. >> Take advantage of the services on to optimize your financial investments, better manage your real estate, be better covered by your insurance, control your expenses, boost your career and your retirement, and who will help entrepreneurs to succeed in the request for the applicant? Minor or for an adult under supervision, the request can be made by internet. Then, depending on the place of birth, the request for bulletin n ° 3 can be made on the internet, by email or by mail. On the official CJNLA website request for an extract from criminal records is free and simple. It is done on the official website of the national criminal record service (belonging to the Ministry of Justice). The applicant completes a form. No part or proof of identity is to be produced, nor any other proof. It is the administration that takes care of verifications. With its request for an extract from a criminal record for a receipt is published immediately. This reference is required to obtain the extract. Once the request is made, it is possible to follow its progress directly on the site of the service of the national criminal record. The issuance of the criminal record may take several days depending on the request and your situation. How to obtain its extract from the criminal record by mail? Fill in the CERFA form n ° 10071*16The request by mail is carried out, whatever its nationality, by filling out the CERFA form n ° 10071*16, “request for an extract from the criminal record”. It is necessary to attach a copy of your identity document (passport, identity card, or other official document with photo), recto/back, to prove your identity. Address for sending the request the form is to be sent to the service of the national criminal record in Nantes (107 rue du Landreau in Nantes). Native people from Overseas, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, French Polynesia or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon can only apply by the Internet. For people in in New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna, the approach is by email. What is the deadline for receiving an extract from the criminal record? For a request for a criminal record made onlines on the Bulletin No. 3 is a virgin and that it bears the mention “Netant”, the extract of the criminal record is accessible under an hour through a link allowing it to be published. The applicant must seize his identity and the reference communicated in the acknowledgment of initial receipt of the request to obtain it. For a request for a criminal record made by post the answer is sent by mail within a period of fifteen days. The shipment is made by simple letter to the address indicated if the extract is virgin. On the other hand, if it contains convictions or prohibitions, disabilities, the extract is sent by LRAR in order to guarantee its confidentiality. If the extract from the criminal record is virgin (no conviction), it is sent by simple letter to the address you have provided in your request. If the extract contains convictions, prohibitions or forfeiture, the extract is sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (AR). This makes it possible to guarantee the confidentiality of the document. Validity of the extract from the criminal record which may be the method of request (online or by post), the criminal record extract has no validity duration. However, it is important to note that certain steps may require a recent extract, dated less than three months. In these cases, it may be necessary to request a new extract if it was obtained for too long ago. Read also: Expired identity card: What you need to know before traveling can we ask for the criminal record of a third person? It is prohibited to request the extract from the criminal record of a third person. However, there are certain exceptions in specific situations where this request is authorized, but it is strictly supervised. Legal representative legal representative of a person, such as a tutor or a curator, may request an extract from his criminal record. This is the case for minors or adults under guardianship or curatorship. In this case, he must justify his legal role by the supply of appropriate documents (for example, a guardianship judgment). Explicit authorization of the person concerned the person concerned gives an explicit authorization to a third person, he can make the request in his name (for example, a person can authorize a lawyer or an employer to obtain his criminal record). This authorization must be written and signed. It is limited to the specific request and cannot be used for other purposes without a new authorization. Administrative or judicial procedures in certain cases, for example within the framework of an investigation or legal proceedings, authorized organizations may request an extract from criminal records for another person. This includes administrations, judicial authorities or employers in the context of sensitive professions. This request is made according to criteria well defined by law. Case where it is prohibited to request the criminal record of a third person in other situations than those mentioned above, any request made without the authorization of the person concerned, or in a framework which does not fall under the exceptions provided for by law, is prohibited, under penalty of 7,500 euros fine (articles R.82, 777 and 781 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) Administration
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