Rockets, air taxis and ‘automated vehicles’ are future: Wipo

The United Nations intellectual property agency – WIPO has said that air taxis and repeated rockets used in future are some of the solutions used in future, which are engaged in the form of a reality. On the other hand, interest in the combination of combustion, ie combustion techniques, seems to be decreasing. Wipo says, “Analysis of many patents shows that the inventors show that the inventor future, the future, the future, the present and hard work to make it clear and better than the present.” Doing. “In the last two decades, patent applications related to future transport measures have increased by 700 percent. These applications increased from 15 thousand in 2003, in 2023 to one lakh 20 thousand. Automatic ships and smart ports in water transport are like a revolution, while in the ground transport, the power -powered vehicle, high speed rail service and smart traffic management system are changing. ” The aircraft landing on the ground are offering new ways of air traffic. While repeated experimening rockets and satellite technology are eyeing the possibilities beyond the atmosphere of the Earth. “This revolutionary thinking in the transport sector is also getting a boost from the fact that transport on globally is such The area that is responsible for more than one -third of carbon emissions. This scenario has encouraged the development of durable techniques that reduce the climate effect of transport. These adopt power technology in these, stance towards renewable energy sources and public And promoting shared transport options involves. Wipo said without human assistance, in view of the emerging trend of automated vehicles, the increasing use of digital technology is also communicating in the transport sector by the year 2035 using independent vehicles. , It is estimated to get revenue ranging from $ 300 billion to $ 400 billion. This United Nations Agency based on Patent Jyadajiniva on the transportation of rational transport says that research and development wealth in the field of intellectual property encourages this revolutionary innovation. These include techniques such as wireless charging for electrical operated vehicles. The report also shows that for products such as internal combustion engine and other systems such as fossil fuel-based systems, patent activities have seen stability. According to WIPO, AI Keeping in mind in mind, companies are competing to make their access to rare earth minerals. Experts believe that AI will play an important role in transport solutions for the future. Wipo reports that autonomous conduction emerges rapidly It has been, but the infrastructure for its operations has not been adopted so fast. The people show that since 2000, more than 11 lakh inventions have given a new look to transport. China, Japan, America, South Korea and Germany are present at the top in this region. Patent claims on patent transport, tops from the patent cases admitted from all over the world, which are half -and -a -half from the patent claims of air, maritime and space transport. There are three times more. It is interesting to know that America is a country that entered the most space patent claims. What will be the character of Dron! Drone will continue its flight in the airspace. In Wipo’s report, Drone Major Group founder Robert Garbet said, “I would not like to see a sky where, to deliver pizza or gloves to my house, there is a crowd of drones in the sky that spreads visual and noise pollution He has been. “He gave an example of emergency medicine and said that as far as it is concerned to reach any inaccessible place, people will probably see some benefits in drone flights. According to WIPO, China’s electric vehicle in the market market There is dominance and its transport patent has been strong. At the same time, other countries including Sweden, Italy, India and Canada have also admitted strong patent applications.

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