Russians gave advice on how to diversify the table on March 8 in the great post

Short link March 8, 2025, 04:00 Anastasia Rumyantseva International Women’s Day, March 8, in 2025 falls on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent. The deputy of the Bryansk Regional Duma and the chairman of the All -Russian public movement “Orthodox Russia” Mikhail Ivanov told in an interview with RT how to celebrate the holiday without violating the strict rules of abstinence. “First of all, it is important to remember that the great post is the time of spiritual renewal and repentance. But this does not mean at all that we must deprive ourselves of the joy of communication with loved ones and the opportunity to express our love and care to them. This year on March 8, it falls on the day of memory of the great martyr Theodore Tiron. According to the charter, on this day it is allowed to eat hot food with vegetable oil, ”he said. According to the interlocutor of RT, this is a great opportunity to diversify the lean table with delicious and healthy dishes.“ You can cook vegetable stews with mushrooms, piercing borsch with bean, potato cutlets with gravy gravy or buckwheat porridge with vegetables. The main thing is to prepare with love and remember the meaning of post, ”the deputy believes. According to Mikhail Ivanov, even in fasting you can please yourself with delicious desserts.“ There are recipes for lean pies, cookies and sweets. For example, you can bake an apple pie on semolina without eggs and milk, prepare a fruit salad with honey or make homemade halva. The main thing is to use the allowed products and not to abuse sweets, ”Ivanov advises. He recommended not to forget about the spiritual component of the holiday.“ The best gift for a woman is attention and care. Visit the temple, pray for your loved ones, give flowers, read poetry, or just spend time together, talking heart to heart. It is important that this day is filled with love, warmth and spiritual joy, ”the deputy concluded. The Orthodox priest Pavel Ostrovsky concluded that there was not a single person who could fast, without violating. The lice in the text? Highlight it and click “Ctrl + Enter” Subscribe to our channel in Zen

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