Serrano: “We are proud of what we did in Madrid during the pandemic” | News from Madrid

Alfonso Serrano, general secretary of the PP of Madrid, defended this Thursday the management of Isabel Díaz Ayuso during the pandemic and criticized that Spanish Television broadcast the 7.291 documentary in which the order not to transfer the hospitals to the elders with some kind of ailment that were in residences and that caused the community to become the European region with greater mortality. “Many issues can be reviewed, but I and Madrid are proud of what was done by Ayuso,” he said, during an interview prior to the issuance of the documentary. Serran, however, he dedicated more time to criticize that TVE issues a documentary about Madrid residences, in which he described a permanent attack by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. “I regret that everyone’s television is put at the service of the left and government to attack a community. They have put a documentary that does not interest anyone, ”he protested. “Five years later you have to make balance, but the strange thing is to focus on the residences of Madrid when elders died in residences from all over Spain.” and torticero ”on the left with the figures. Serran confirmed that Madrid was the most affected region,” that is true “due to population density, airport or the subway, but cited Catalonia, Aragon or Extremadura to say that mortality of over 65 years was greater in those places. “Mortality in Spain for over 65 was 47% and in Madrid 40%. In Aragon, of every 100 older, 90 died, he said. One of the data that met during the Research Commission that was interrupted by the elections was that in Madrid 20% of the people who lived in residences died. However, according to Serrano, “we have more than 60 judicial sentences that give us the reason.” “If we talk about truth, justice or reparation, who gives Ao Reason is the courts of justice.” His main anger, however, again and again, went against TVE for the issuance of the documentary he described as an interested party as part of the “permanent attack” to the Ayuso government, said Serrano who chose to place himself in front of the Zendal hospital under the rain to make the connection with TVE. The program directed by Xabier Fortes issued Thursday night on the 2 of TVE that preceded the broadcast of the documentary Residences of the Community of Madrid and it offered the three existing figures over deceased during the first wave of the pandemic (from March to July 2020), a period that includes the validity of autonomic protocols that severely restricted the hospitalization of the elders who lived in the 475 residences of the region. The first is the 7,291 deaths between March and April 2020, an official fact of the community obtained by the digital infolibre thanks to an application based on the transparency law and that includes those killed in Madrid residences in March and April for any cause. The second, of 7,269, is offered by the National Statistics Institute and the third is 6,937, whose source is the Imserso (the Institute of Seniors and Social Services). According to these figures, Madrid was the European region with the greatest excess of mortality, according to the European Committee of the Regions. For its Pate, the Community of Madrid figure in 4.133 the number of deaths. This data only includes those who died with a confirmed covid, despite the fact that in that period there was a shortage of tests. During the program, Reyero’s opinion was also included, in the spotlight of the Ayuso Cabinet since he resigned for disagreeing with the management of the Community of Madrid and the subsequent publication of a book about these facts. “I meet a protocol that says that people with deterioration or mobility problems are excluded from derivation. These people died unworthy, ”he said. In that sense, he brought the opposite to the Ministry of Health that said that 232 residences were medicated. “Medicalized is a very vaporous concept,” said who was in charge of Madrid’s residences. Although Reyero cited the airport as one of the reasons for high mortality, he focused on the political decisions adopted. “The attention was not put on the elderly and is one of the reasons of such mortality.” Program 5 years Covid RTVE at the 2 Monica Garcia, Minister of Sanidadero de the Testimonies included in the TVE program was that of María Paz Villanueva, whose parents died in a residence and recalled the call in which they denied the transfer “not even to the new hospital.” Or the Amparo Arreba, also the daughter of the deceased, who denounced the institutional violence exercised from the community and the president Ayuso, with whom she ruled to meet “because she has dehumanized the deceased, and now she dehumanizes their families.” According to the Minister of Health, Mónica García, during the pandemic, Ayuso “prioritized the propaganda in front of the attempt to save lives” Deaths recalled that in “some cases even an invoice of the residence in which they had died.” On the fact that the almost 300 complaints filed have been filed, the minister insisted that one issue does not annul the other. “The political responsibilities go for another lane.” The average audience, which does not usually exceed 4% on Thursday at that time of the night, focused much of the political debate of the day in the Madrid Assembly. (Tagstotranslate) Community of Madrid

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