24 -year -old Zainaba Mahar Auwt is a resident of Djibouti. He was just 10 years old when an unknown woman came to his house.
Zainaba recalls that day, saying that the woman had a series, razor and straps. She came to carry out a cruel, unnecessary process on the woman, which has been given illegal agreement in Horn of Africa since 1995. Is. This is the process – female harassment or female genital deformity (FGM). In this, some upper or outer part of the girl or woman’s vagina is cut and separated. There is still a feeling of that painful experience in the mind of Jainaba. Although she has forgotten many things of that day, but she still remembers unbearable pain that was felt after the effect of unconsciousness (numb drug) drug was felt. It was also difficult to move Zainaba Mahar Awad, even today, recalls the day, when she had to go through the process of circumstances. Zainaba says, “I was having difficulty walking, and when I urinated, his mother said that there is nothing to worry about and a minor thing, calling this derogatory process a minor thing, a tradition of tradition Part told. Jainaba was also one of the millions of girls who grew up in poverty and social insecurity. She lived in a small room with her mother and two sisters in a dilapidated area of Djibouti City. She says, “We had only one TV, some suitcases to keep clothes and some beds to sleep . ”His mother used to live by selling bread on the roadside. At the same time, Zainaba was engrossed in jumping rope with her friends and playing in the soil. “We just used to play in the soil.” The danger of 23 crore girls is the sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) of the United Nations, 23 crore women and girls have fallen victim to threats around the world. This number is increasing continuously. Many times, even young girls under five years of age have to go through it. FGM specialist doctor Visal Ahmed in UnFPA said, “Children can’t even speak.” It is often believed that it is believed that there is only a one -time time. It is a procedure to go, but in fact it becomes a series of lifelong painful procedures for women. Doctor Visal Ahmed explains, “The woman’s genitalia is re -cut to have sex, and is stitched again. The genitalia is then opened for the birth of a child and later stitched to narrow the vagina. Are taking action The rate of this process has decreased in the last 30 years, but the number of women and girls facing threats due to population growth is continuously increasing. In the communities, this practice is still going on, UNFPA working with them, people, people working with them It is engaged in making it aware of its immediate and long -term side effects. The US government is considered to be a violation of human rights by the US government. The US government has been supporting the UN sexual and reproductive agency for the prevention of this practice for many years for many years. This problem is not limited to developing countries only. According to the data of the US State Department, about 5 lakh 13 thousand women and girls in the US have either gone through this process or are in danger. The support of men © Unfpa/ROAS/Aisha Zubair In the Year 2023, in the year 2023 Djidi provided foreign aid of about 4 million dollars. The sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) of the United Nations confirmed that the current policy restrictions had no effect on the FGM programs supported by the US. UNFPA also stated that in the last four years, about 80 thousand girls have been saved from the threat with the cooperation of America. Local Nateworks escaped from the threat, Jainaba Mahar Auwad, a local network with a local network started in 2021 by UNFPA Has been added in form. This network includes more than 60 women, who work for women health and rights at the local level. Zainaba, by going to the deprived areas of Djibouti, informs youth and future parents about the threats of women threats- Then whether they are women or men, they say, “Because only women are not involved in this practice. Unless men allow it, this practice cannot continue. ”
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