For a good distribution of your mail, your mailbox must meet certain criteria in terms of dimension, location or approval. Take them into account if you have just moved in and are about to install a box at home.
© Andrey Popov / Adobe Stock – Your mailbox must respect precise dimensions rules. Save save Receive the postal alerts even if the volume of paper mail distributed has decreased sharply since the advent of the email, the factor continues to go to your home daily to distribute your administrative letters, your packages, or even from time to time, a letter from your grandparents, a greeting card of a childhood friend or a postcard of your aunt abroad. And to be sure to receive everything well, it is important to properly install your mailbox. The latter must indeed respect specific rules, recalls TF1. First of all, know that it is the AFNOR standard of July 17, 1979 which determines the dimensions of a mailbox. And they are compulsory: at least 26 cm x 26 cm x 34 cm. So much for the box. But its main element, the slit on its facade must also comply with regulatory dimensions, 23.5 cm wide by 2.4 cm high. Your name must be inscribed there very distinctly, by hand or in a name holder to measure 1 cm long by 2.4 cm high minimum. As La Poste specifies on its website, your box can be larger if you wish, but not smaller. It must also be installed at a maximum of 1.5 m in the ground. Read also: Beware if you find a simple white sheet in your mailbox The box must be compatible with the factory pass, your box must be easily accessible for the factor, and what it is posed on a stake, a portal, or embedded in a wall. Finally, and it is essential, the mailbox must be approved by NF D27-404 and NF D27-405 standards, concerning the total and secure opening for external installations. The lock must be approved by post and compatible with the factor pass, thanks to which the deposit of packages or large envelopes is possible inside the box. With all these elements, you can wait for your mail without risk. Receive our latest news every week your appointment with real estate news. (tagstotranslate) La Poste
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// Function to fetch the latest posts
function fetchLatestPosts() {
const feedUrl = ‘’; // Replace with your blog’s RSS feed URL
.then(response => response.text())
.then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, “text/xml”))
.then(data => {
const items = Array.from(data.querySelectorAll(“item”));
const latestPostsContainer = document.getElementById(“latest-posts”);
latestPostsContainer.innerHTML = ”; // Clear previous posts
// Shuffle the items array
const shuffledItems = items.sort(() => Math.random() – 0.5);
// Select the first 5 items from the shuffled array
const selectedItems = shuffledItems.slice(0, 5);
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// Loop through the selected items and display them
selectedItems.forEach(post => {
const link = post.querySelector(“link”).textContent;
const description = post.querySelector(“description”).textContent;
// Create a new post element
const postElement = document.createElement(“div”);
postElement.innerHTML = `
${description} Read more
// Append the new post element to the container
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching the latest posts:’, error));
// Call the function to fetch and display the latest posts
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