A special fund, even if it comprises 500 billion euros, does not yet build an infrastructure. Money worries are large everywhere: a financing gap of 66.
5 billion euros will be placed in the next ten years at the motorways and federal highways. Deutsche Bahn needs an additional 150 billion euros. The municipalities would like to renew their energy networks and renovate, but the shortage of money is only a hurdle that has previously prevented the federal government, the federal states and municipalities prevented from supplying their infrastructure with the most necessary. Construction projects that fill the file folder; Planning approval procedure that dragged on for years; House sparrows that prevent the construction of a student dormitory because there is a risk that the necessary demolition work will interfere with the reproductive and resting places of the bird known as a sparrow; a construction industry that is of large order to build up without building long -term capacities; Costs that get out of hand. The list of defects is long. The list of suggestions can also be used longer on how to train the country. The broken coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP has already decided several bureaucracy reduction and planning acceleration laws. A central lever was the fact that the new and expansion of the rail network, the bridges and selected road construction projects are now in the “outstanding public interest” and therefore receive preferred treatment in the administration and court. Both have already produced paper mountains with suggestions for a state modernization. In its social democratic state modernization agenda “Mission Delivery Boards”, the SPD proposes its own skills. In it, the Chancellery and Vice Chancellery are intended to control the “absolute top priorities” of the new government, for example the digitization of the administration. The two CDU lawyers Günter Krings and Thomas Heilmann remind you to take a look at the sub-legal regulations. There is no way around a state reform, it says everywhere. In their coalition negotiations, the parties have set up a working group for this purpose that is led by Philipp Amthor on the side. Outside of party policy borders, an “initiative for an capable of action” has formed. His founding member Thomas de Maizière (CDU), former Federal Minister of Defense, is clear in his judgment: “It will not be possible to spend a lot of money because the conditions for this are no longer existed in Germany,” he said in an interview with the FAZ Podcast for Germany. “We have to go to the state of the state so that the ship drives brisk again.” Department Ministry with right -hand rights is a central demand for all: the state must become more digital, which makes planning and communication with the authority even easier even in large construction projects. This requires a separate Digital Ministry, which must also have access rights compared to all other departments. Responsibilities of the federal government, the federal states and municipalities would have to be discriminated. In any case, the railway and construction industry agree: not only are the sheer quantity of the available funds available, but also their “excess”, that is, the possibility of using the money over several household years. This is a long-practiced practice for rail projects, which is ensured by the performance and financing agreement between the federal and trains. Only the 63.4 billion euros agreed in it were not enough over a period of ten years to 2029 to manage all new renovation projects or even a noteworthy expansion. Autobahn GmbH, which has so far been held short, also dreams of such an extension. It has no own income, and the truck toll only ends up with the detour of the federal budget with her. The traffic light government had also decided for the first time to put part of the income into the rail infrastructure. Expression Austria and Switzerland? In this regard, there is a risk that the special fund will only move the well -known problems back by twelve years. Once the additional billions have been issued, the principle of year old is threatened again in the regular budget. This could remedy a permanent infrastructure fund, an idea that Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing worked on based on the model of Austria and Switzerland, and which should also attract private capital. On the other hand, the question of whether the new black and red coalition should also push a further rail reform to ensure that the money is also important: in the ailing rail network. Between the SPD and the Union, a deep ditch claps on the question of whether the state -owned company should be smashed – in a non -profit GmbH for the rail network, which should be directly subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Transport, based on the model of Autobahn GmbH. The mighty EVG railway union – and also the SPD in its tow – is vehemently against it. The Union, which made the transport minister for twelve years in a row, is now for it. Competitors also promise more transparency and efficiency. After the special meeting for the constitutional change on Tuesday, there is still a lot of work on the new government. In a implementation law, the details of the money allocation must be regulated. A state reform, on the other hand, may extend over many years and laws. The good news: How quickly major projects can go has already shown politics, authorities and companies: LNG terminals, the Tesla factory in Grünheide and the ICE plant in Cottbus were built in record time because everyone wanted the same thing: quick results. Now this also has to work for all other infrastructure projects.
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