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Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Wife, from the rose of the desert to the first lady of hell… How Bashar al Assad’s London born wife Asma became an eyesore in Syria – syria bashar al assad london born wife asma al assad rose of the desert to first lady of hell

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Damascus: The regime of Bashar al-Assad, who ruled Syria for more than two decades, has been overthrown by rebel groups. Assad has taken refuge in Russia with his wife Asma after rebel fighters captured the capital Damascus. Asma has also been making headlines in Syria and the world during Assad’s rule. Asma, who grew up in London, once emerged as a symbol of women empowerment in West Asia. Asma, who received the title Rose of the Desert, later faced serious allegations of supporting Assad’s dictatorial attitude. According to The Sun’s report, Asma al-Assad was criticized for her lifestyle and lifestyle after marrying Bashar. Because of his liberal policies, he started being called the face of modernity in West Asia, but his stance changed in later years. Asma became known as the ‘First Lady of Hell’ due to her alleged support for Bashar al-Assad’s repressive campaigns. It was alleged that she played a major role in Assad’s ‘tyrannical regime’. After the capture of Damascus by rebels, Asma has taken refuge in Russia with her husband Assad and three children. Asma, born in England, was born in England in 1975. His father Fawaz Akhras is a doctor and mother Sahar was a diplomat in the Syrian Embassy. Both still live in London. Asma, who grew up in a luxurious home in West London, has a degree in Computer Science from King’s College. She came to Syria on holiday in the 90s, when she met Assad. After this, when Asad came to London for training as an eye doctor, love blossomed between the two. Asad and Asma got married in the year 2000. After the death of his father this year, Assad became the President of Syria. When Asma came before the world as the first lady of Syria, she did not wear a niqab. She presented the image of an independent woman to the world, contrary to the practice of veiling of women in West Asia. Asma became a symbol of the liberal political environment in Syria in the 2000s, where women were not allowed to live in other Islamic countries. Were given more rights than. He also worked to build Assad’s image as a moderate leader. In 2010, Vogue magazine called Asma the ‘Rose of the Desert’ and a “beautiful woman with a sharp mind.” However, this liberal image of hers was tarnished when after 2011, the Assad government used military force to suppress protests in Syria. It is claimed that Asma had a direct involvement in making the repressive policies of the Assad government. As her role in Assad’s dictatorial regime continued to grow, her image also changed rapidly. There were such serious allegations regarding her role in the Syrian civil war that many countries even imposed sanctions on her. In such a situation, the woman known as the Rose of the Desert came to be called the First Lady of Hell.

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