The Telegram messenger released an update that allows the owners of the premium accounts to set the payment for incoming messages for those who are not in their list of contacts. “If you are often written in Telegram, you can send messages for users who are not in your list of contacts,” the update press release said.
In this case, messages will need to be paid by the internal currency of the messenger – “stars” that you need to buy. You can also make paid incoming messages in groups, including for commenting in the channels. “For group owners, this is another way to monetize their communities and earn stars – while supporting more substantial communication between participants,” the Telegram says. The settings make it possible to make exceptions from these rules. Stalls received for incoming messages, you can pay for the premium subscription. They can also be displayed using the Fragment platform, having received a reward in return. It, in turn, can be used to purchase advertising in Telegram, collectible gifts in the Ton blockchain and other goals. In addition to this, now in the chat with the user not from the list of contacts at the beginning of the correspondence will be displayed with basic information about the interlocutor: his country, determined by the phone number; general groups, if they are; the date of registration in the messenger; The user name or a photograph of the profile were updated. This block, as explained in the press release, “will help to recognize a fraudster or impostor-or vice versa to make sure that the interlocutor is reliable-even before you answer him.” (Tagstotranslate) News
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// Function to fetch the latest posts
function fetchLatestPosts() {
const feedUrl = ‘’; // Replace with your blog’s RSS feed URL
.then(response => response.text())
.then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, “text/xml”))
.then(data => {
const items = Array.from(data.querySelectorAll(“item”));
const latestPostsContainer = document.getElementById(“latest-posts”);
latestPostsContainer.innerHTML = ”; // Clear previous posts
// Shuffle the items array
const shuffledItems = items.sort(() => Math.random() – 0.5);
// Select the first 5 items from the shuffled array
const selectedItems = shuffledItems.slice(0, 5);
News kiosk Latest Posts
// Loop through the selected items and display them
selectedItems.forEach(post => {
const link = post.querySelector(“link”).textContent;
const description = post.querySelector(“description”).textContent;
// Create a new post element
const postElement = document.createElement(“div”);
postElement.innerHTML = `
${description} Read more
// Append the new post element to the container
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching the latest posts:’, error));
// Call the function to fetch and display the latest posts
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