François Bayrou’s refusal to return to the retirement age at 62, aroused the indignation of trade union organizations and the opposition. From there to bury the conclave which must give its conclusions by the month of May? © Nathan Laine/Bloomberg/Getty Images – François Bayrou crystallizes tensions after his release on the retirement age.
Safeguard safeguarded Reforming alerts for pensions competes with pensions and the non-censorship agreement between the government and the Socialist Party in danger? The cards were rebatted this weekend when François Bayrou declared on France Inter and Franceinfo that he did not envisage a return to the retirement age at 62 years old. The Prime Minister has sure that he was “determined to defend the idea that we need the intermediate bodies”, but in the current context, it seems impossible to return to the age of 62, he hammered. In the process, his Minister of Economy, Eric Lombard, supported him in a word, judging that “it is up to the social partners to decide”. However, the “new reform path” promised by the Prime Minister before the conclave, “without any totem or taboo”, seems to beat the wing, explains Franceinfo. The unions immediately reacted on Sunday, the CGT speaking of “scandalous” decision, believing that one could “not trust François Bayrou”. The CGT negotiator on pensions castigated the “closed door” of François Bayrou and “a betrayal of the word given to union organizations”. The “risk of torpedoing” discussions on different pensions, but similar rhetorical on the side of the CFDT which judged the words of the Prime Minister “incomprehensible”. “It was the same Prime Minister who decided a conclave where all the subjects would be opened, including the retirement age,” regretted Yvan Ricordeau, the negotiator of the union center. According to him, François Bayrou continues to “contradict himself” and “risks torpedo” “discussions. More moderate, the CFE-CGC ensures that it is “quite possible to return to 62 years”. But the discontent has extended to the political class. Insoumise France spoke of “masquerade” through Manuel Bompard, when the leader of party deputies, Mathilde Panot, described this outing as “scandal”. More vehement, Jean-Luc Mélenchon spoke of a “foutage of mouth” and launched: “the conclave is finished.” By the way, Mathilde Panot did not hesitate to mock the “naivety” of the PS. Finally, for Eric Coquerel, the conclave was announced “to avoid the motion of censorship”. A “reason for censorship” for the RN? The socialists, precisely, were also annoyed with these declarations: “It is not the Prime Minister to fix this new framing: the conclave is launched”, reacted to Franceinfo the spokesman for his group, Arthur Delaporte. And to add: “He is in a total free wheel. He only makes his own word even more discredit. ” MP Jérôme Guedj spoke of “fault” and “contempt for social partners”. Finally, on BFMTV, the deputy for the national rally, Sébastien Chenu spoke of “an important reason” of censorship. Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) r u00e9forms pension
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