If generation Z is often pointed out for its lack of motivation and investment at work, the observation seems to be shared by the young people themselves. However, companies remain very interested in recruiting members of this generation.
© Getty_IMAGES – 80 % of generation Z recruiters admit having concealed information during an interview. Save safeguarded receiving employment alerts Young people get tired themselves? In any case, this is the trend. While he is often criticized for generation Z for being difficult to manage in the workplace, the latter begins to complain about his own peers. Indeed, according to a survey carried out by Resume Genius, 45 % of the 625 human resources in the United States believe that generation Z is the most difficult to manage at work. But the most interesting is that this observation is shared by the members of this generation Z itself. This study also shows that this generation Z does not lead those who are most likely to obtain a job in 2025. It is preceded by the millennials which receive 45 % of approval. The latter benefit from the experience and the stability that their age gives them, of the particularly popular assets of companies. In addition, generation Z turns out to be the one that lies the most during a job interview. 96 % of recruiters of this generation ensure that they are more inclined to lie than those of previous generations, in particular to protect information on the company or keep control of the maintenance. To read also: what is the trend of micro-retirements which is attracting more and more the Gen Z? 40 % of generation Z recruiters acknowledge Total regular lies, 80 % of generation Z recruiters admit that they have hidden information for strategic reasons and 40 % admit to lying frequently. This distrust of young people is not new because their criticisms are increasing. Fortune magazine had described a situation in which an employee of generation Z refused to accomplish a 90 -minute task, deeming it too demanding. This is why it is often accused of young people a lack of motivation at work. However, companies remain very interested in this generation even if obstacles remain, especially because of the impact of the pandemic. The health crisis has considerably reduced social and professional interactions, essential skills to work in a group. Receive our latest jobs, management, rights, every week the news of your career. (tagstotranslate) Employment
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.then(response => response.text())
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