The emergency services should be a case for the constitutional court

From the perspective of the Björn Steiger Foundation, emergency care in Germany has major defects and urgently needs a reform. With a constitutional complaint in Karlsruhe, the organization, which is committed to improving the rescue system, wants to achieve uniform standards nationwide. The documents are to be submitted electronically to the Federal Constitutional Court today, as the foundation announced. “The federal government does not meet its constitutional obligation to ensure a comprehensive, uniform and high-quality emergency services system,” said Foundation President Pierre-Enric Steiger of the German Press Agency. The aim of the constitutional complaint is to find that the current regulation violates the Basic Law – in order to be able to tackle a nationwide improvement. The state of Baden -Württemberg draws the state in court because a controversial new rescue law came into force there last August. From the foundation’s point of view, it does not represent any improvement. Plans for a reorganization of the emergency services with a nationwide uniform standards also had the broken coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP. With that from the traffic lights, however, these plans are viable. The Björn Steiger Foundation based in Winnenden near Stuttgart has been committed to improving the emergency services for decades. Among other things, it was significantly involved in the introduction of the nationwide emergency number 110/112.

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