In a report commissioned by the Pension Orientation Council, the Statistical Directorate of Social Ministries studies three avenues to modify the increase in pension for three children. An unlistributive mechanism which mainly benefits men.
© Starmarpro/Adobe Stock – With the current children’s increase mechanism, women are significantly disadvantaged compared to men. Safeguard safeguarded Receiving retirement pension alerts The abyssal gap between the retirement of women and that of men will it finally be absorbed? If it is still only in the state of reflection, a reform of the mechanism of pension increase for three children could make it possible to reduce the gap. This is what emerges from a study of the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) commanded by the Pension Orientation Council (COR), published on Wednesday March 12. As a reminder, an increase of 10% is paid to all the insured who had at least three children. And this, regardless of their gender or pension level. At a total cost of 8.4 billion euros in 2020 (2.9% of direct law pensions, excluding reversion, therefore), it benefits especially men since they affect the highest pensions. “The masses paid under this system concern more men, who are overrepresented among the wealthy retirees,” points out the Drees. And the figures mentioned in the report do not say something else since “the increase in children’s pension served for beneficiaries represents on average 77 euros per month for women, against 136 euros for men”. >> Our service – Compare the performance of retirement savings plans (PER) thanks to our tracking simulator of a flat -rate increase reserved for women a treatment inequality on which the DREES has worked, and proposed three variants “in terms of redistribution objectives to women or the most modest”, specifies the study. In the first scenario, a lump sum of 150 euros per month is paid to parents of three or more children for a liquidation of retirement in 2026. A mechanism which would make, for the parents concerned, 60% of winners in women against a little more than 40% among men. But with very limited effects on inequalities in terms of retirement between men and women: “The average pension of women would increase by 0.3%, while that of men would decrease the same proportion, so that the average pension of women would represent 85.5% of that of men, against 84.9% in current legislation for this generation”, point to the authors. Read also: retirement: quarters for children, pension increase … How these rights could be reformed other option: exclusively pay the increase in pension to women, and from the first child. Thus, in this second scenario, the “bonus” would reach 3% for a child, 6% for two children and 13% for three or more children, with a ceiling of 3,000 euros gross per year. A method which would increase the average pension at 68 years of women born in 1978 and, on the contrary, would decrease that of men by 3%. “Ultimately, the average pension of women would represent 90.4% of that of men, compared to 84.9% in current legislation, or 5.5 points of reduction in the average pension difference,” said the study. A downside, however: the inequalities of pensions between the wealthiest and the most modest retirees would be reduced in the thickness of the line, the ratio between the retirement of the richest 20% and the 20% the least well -off crumbling from 8 to 7.8. Read also: Retirement: 4 tips to anticipate it well, if you are a woman too costly for our retirement system? Last track studied, that of a flat -rate increase, increasing depending on the number of children, and reserved for women. Fixed at 40 euros, 80 euros and 160 euros for one, two and three children or more respectively, this package would still have many winners in women – 81.6% would see their pension increase by at least 1% -, losers mainly among mothers of three or more children (16% of them). On the side of women with the most modest pensions, 51.1% would see their retirement climbing at least 20%, “while within the highest fifth, almost no woman would earn more than 5% in this scenario,” underline the authors. Overall, women of the 1978 generation would earn 3.9% over their 68 -year -old pension, men losing 3% on average. This scenario “would be the one that would reduce inequalities most in relation to current legislation. Thus, the average pension ratio between women and men would drop from 84.9% to 90.9%, or 6 points of percentage of reduction in the gap. In addition, the relationship between average pensions within the last and the first fifth would drop by almost one point (from 8.0 to 7.1), reflecting a decrease in pension differences between retirees, “they continue. © DREESEFICCE on paper, the overhaul of the pension increase for parents of three or more risks, however, to come up against a limit, not the least. That of a “financial drift”, even more important for the last track studied, the evolutionary package being upgraded over the years according to the evolution of the average salary per head (SMPT). However, impossible given the finances of pension plans to dig deficits. Reason for which the DREES mentions the existence “other family devices much more targeted to women: increases in insurance duration and AVPF (old -age insurance for households, editor’s note”). The reform of the child pension mechanism for children, and therefore the increase in mothers’ pensions, in the near future is therefore anything but certain … >> Our service – home maintenance, retirement homes, service residences … Make an appointment with a telephone advisor to find the best solution for your loved ones receive our latest news each week, the items to read to better anticipate your retirement. (tagstotranslate) retirement pension
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