The judge of Barcelona who kept Euthanasia to Noelia C., a 24 -year -old young paraplegic who suffers “a serious dependence, pain and chronic suffering and impossible,” he finally rejected the demand filed by Christian lawyers in the name of the father, who has endorsed the decision of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
The judge considers that the requirements set forth in the Euthanasia Law and dismissed the request of the father to revoke the decision of the Catalonia guarantee and evaluation commission (CGAC, the independent body that watches over the correct application of the law), which in July 2024 gave Verde Light to Noelia received the benefit. Against the Criteria of the Prosecutor’s Office, in addition, the judge considers that the father is not legitimized to submit the claim. The judgment issued by the judge of the contentious-administrative is not the end point, since Christian lawyers already announced that, in case of defeat, the case would appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC). The decision, however, closes the door for the moment the claim of this Catholic entity to discuss, in the courts, the application of the Euthanasia Law, approved by the Government in 2021. The association managed to make the court in precaution In Spain, on March 4, Noelia ratified her firm desire to die. In the view, seven doctors and experts who intervened in the process ratified their conclusions and affirmed that the girl is fully trained to request euthanasia. After a suicide attempt in October 2022, the young woman was prostrated in a wheelchair and, according to the conclusions of the CGAC, presented “a non -recoverable clinical situation” that produced “a serious dependence, chronic and impossible pain and suffering” with an impact on its autonomy and their daily activities. That is precisely one of the assumptions that the law provides. After the view, the Prosecutor’s Office was in favor of Noelia receiving euthanasia since she had decided “firm, free and autonomous.” The Public Ministry considered, against the criteria of the Generalitat (which defends the decision of the CGAC), that the father did have a legitimate interest in the case. The judge has concluded, however, that there is no legitimate interest and has inadmitted the lawsuit, so the resolution issued in its day by the Generalitat Control Agency. (Tagstotranslate) Euthanasia
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