Making music together or singing in Spielmannszug, choir or orchestra – that was an integral part of the club life of many cities and municipalities in Hesse for decades. But the future worries of many clubs are great, as the Hessian Music Association complains about.
Significant number of members, lack of sample rooms and fewer people who are ready to work on board members – the problems are varied. The association now wants to counteract with ideas – and also has a new target group in mind. A recently published survey among the 300 music clubs belonging to the association showed that 43 percent of them are no longer able to play independently and rely on external support. Whether drums, tuba or conductor – certain positions in the orchestra have to be occupied, otherwise it is not possible to think about appearances, says association president Stefanie Klee, who is also a member of the state parliament and even plays clarinet and saxophone. Help each other with suitable staff if necessary, says Klee. Closes could also bundle their strength through mergers. The association president sees the reasons for the loss of members in social change processes, not least since corona pandemic: Fewer people are now ready to commit to weekly sample appointments and regular participation in events. But if you first get out of music and no longer practice regularly, you can often find – if at all – only with difficulty in return. Intensive junior work in young people often occurs such break -offs: with puberty, the leisure interests change, sometimes obligations in school or training and the clubs return to the clubs. Currently, only 20 percent of the club members are still under the age of 18, in 2019 it was almost 25 percent. Intensive youth work is therefore important, for example, the Nidderau (Bon) wind orchestra knows: Youth leader Yvonne Staubach is responsible for this, which organizes a diverse program for the children and young people-from the end of the baking to the Halloween. The youngest of the youngest starts with the first musical steps. The youngest at the bon usually take one of the club’s three recorder groups, after which they can choose their own instrument. The main orchestra is mixed with around 40 musicians between the ages of 16 and 85. This is precisely what the bon, says Winfried Luig, first chairman of the club. The fact that the attention span has also become lower for many is shown by the fact that even during a 45 -minute practice lesson, the view always goes to the smartphone instead of on the note. Adapted version, understands.comback from the brass music, brass music cannot complain about the lack of encouraging young people, says Klee, and refers to bands such as Maddabrasska and the Swiss Formation Fäaschtbänkler, who has many fans in the younger audience. In order to promote the youth work of the clubs and orchestras even more, Klee wants to bring clubs and schools more together. Instrumental offers of the clubs are possible in the context of all -day schools. In addition, there is the initiative of the state government for recorder lessons, some of which had also been smiled at. CDU MP Klee finds it positively that more children can be introduced to music via the initiative, but the recruitment of members should also go beyond the association’s point of view. She sees a lot of potential in the generation of baby boomers who are now before entering retirement: they want to advertise the clubs to encourage former musicians, to revive their skills and also offer lessons. The association is also planning a campaign for this. And also for the lack of suitable sample rooms, Klee has ideas. This requires conversations with municipalities, but also advice for music clubs, because sometimes rooms could be redesigned with relatively simple means such as mobile acoustic walls so that they can be used as sample rooms. In principle, it is concerned with creating awareness of the value of the music clubs as a cultural asset. The special thing about them is that all generations create a little together – and can also have fun together.
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