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The passcode for America’s atomic bomb was so simple! Anyone could guess easily – America secret nuclear code was too easy during cold war tstsd

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When the Cuban missile crisis escalated during the Cold War, America had made full preparations for a nuclear attack. The launch code of the atomic bomb for this was so simple that anyone could guess it easily. This has been disclosed by a former military officer who operated nuclear missiles at that time. However, US Air Force officials have long denied their widespread use of this highly insecure and disturbingly simple passcode and even submitted a report to Congress in this regard. Now again people are surprised by the revelations of a former officer. The Air Force had given a report to Congress in this matter. According to the report of Daily Mail, from 1962 to 1977, a passcode was used for launching American nuclear bombs which was probably 00000000. This passcode was imposed on the nuclear-powered Minuteman missiles of that time, so that a nuclear attack could not be launched by any irresponsible Air Force officer. But why such a simple and insecure passcode was used is still a matter of discussion. A former military officer revealed the passcode. Amidst this debate, Princeton scholar and former Minuteman missile launch officer Dr. Bruce Blair revealed an unclassified manual. The manual confirmed that the passcode was indeed 00000000. Dr. Blair writes on Princeton’s Science & Global Security site – The manual clearly states that ‘Under normal circumstances the code insert thumbwheel switch will be set to 00000000.’ He also said that I and thousands of other launch crew Members can testify that this code remained set to 00000000 even during the launch process. Related News How the passcode was reset According to Dr. Blair, this matter was discussed during the Cold War by President John F. It was the result of an ongoing dispute between Kennedy and his Air Force generals. In 1962, President Kennedy ordered the implementation of a security system called Permissive Action Links (PALs) to prevent unauthorized use of nuclear weapons. What was the Cold War and the politics of passcodes? In fact, General Curtis LeMay, the creator of the US Strategic Air Command, actually urged JFK to use America’s nuclear weapons first to ‘take the Soviet Union back to the Stone Age’. Do it. When JFK tasked his more savvy Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara, with installing protective PALs on these missiles, LeMay’s generals at US Strategic Command ‘almost immediately’ reset all PAL codes to 00000000. So that there is no delay in implementing wartime orders. This is how the launching passcode of that time was revealed. Blair reported that during his service between 1970 and 1974, the launch checklist clearly instructed him to ensure that no numbers were changed other than ‘00000000’ on the locking panel in the launch bunker. After Dr. Blair’s revelations, the Air Force presented a report to Congress in 2014 and refuted his claim. The Air Force said the eight-zero code was never used for Minuteman missiles. But Dr. Blair presented an official document the very next year, which referred to the 1969 technical manual. The manual also contained a picture of the launch enable panel, in which the code 00000000 was set. Dr. Blair said that the Air Force misled Congress. They repeatedly hide the truth and escape from it under the guise of secrecy.

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