Copia of appeal addressed to the deputy head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Physanitary Supervision of Konstantin Savenkov is at the disposal of RT. Kak noted Milonov, recently a rapid discussion of the problem of street and vague dogs has been taking place in the country. Wandering and aggressive dogs remains unsolvable due to the fact that the mechanisms and methods of control of the population proposed today are not struggling with the causes of their occurrence, but with the consequences, ”the deputy said. In his words, the dogs are on the street because of their former owners who have lost their responsibility for the maintenance. Aggressive animals go down into flocks and begin to rapidly gnawing, representing a serious danger to people, ”the interlocutor of RT emphasized. In this regard, in his opinion, the introduction of gradation for the right to own cities in the line.“ Small decorative breeds should remain available for free ownership and maintenance, while large, dangerous, special and official breeds should become under State control. Having limited the possibility for irresponsible citizens to freely acquire and maintain large and dangerous dogs in their apartments, over time we will be able to prevent them from getting into the street and, as a result, we will be able to eradicate the problem of dangerous homeless dogs, ”the circulation says. In this regard, he asked for the idea of which the dog from the list of potentially hazardous dogs approved by the pond Governments, for living in an apartment within the city, will require written approval and registration of veterinary control bodies. It was reported that in Dagestan a woman died in the cemetery of a flock of stray dogs in the cemetery.
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