The large rains that the Jana Storm has brought from South to North of Catalonia throughout the weekend have triggered the reservoirs of the internal basins, which have gone from 31.4% of their capacity on Friday to 40% of this Monday morning, according to real time data of the Catalan Water Agency.
The flood of the Ter and Llobregat rivers, which supply the city of Barcelona and 202 municipalities of its province, as well as that of Girona, have multiplied the contributions to the main reservoirs, thanks to accumulated that in the headwaters of the rivers have exceeded at some points the 100 liters per square meter. Since in November 2022 the Generalitat declared the first alarm by drought in Barcelona and applied the first restrictions (such as limiting the irrigation of gardens or the washing of vehicles), the Government had not been so close to being able to lift that alert phase in its main water system, whose threshold is delimited in 40% of the reserves, according to the Special Plan of Catalan. In the absence of the decisions made by the Government in the next few days or weeks, today in Catalonia there are 542 municipalities that still apply some type of drought restriction. The Sau swamp has gone from 7.3% on Thursday to 21.3% today, while Susqueal, the one with the greatest capacity, went from 38.4% to 42%. Baells has already reached 66%. The situation in the Ter-Llobregat system (already 40.6% of its capacity), which supplies almost 90% of the Catalan population, is significantly better to the one that had exactly one year ago, when its reserves were located in a meager 14.7%, the worst figure since there are records, which forced the Generalitat to declare the generalized emergency phase in March already apply last agricultural restrictions, domestic and domestic restrictions Industrial to six million Catalans for the most serious drought that the community has ever hit. The situation during these weeks will be very conducive to definitively digging up the ghost of this historic drought because the rivers fall very full and the forecast, although it will stop raining completely this week, is that the reservoirs continue to significantly increase their reserves during the next few days or weeks. The large amount of water fallen throughout Saturday night caused the Ter, Llobregat, Congost and Besòs rivers to exceed their alert boundary for overflow. The Government declared the Inuncat alert. The TOS began to overflow in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) by accumulating more than 100 cubic meters per second and multiplying by 12 its channel. The great flood since its birth in the Pyrenees to the Interior regions caused that at times the Sau reservoir received more than 300 cubic meters of water per second, when a week ago it just received two. This is the greatest contribution to this reservoir since Catalonia declared the first drought alert in 2022. This Monday, they continued to enter more than 100,000 liters per second to Sau, so the image of the reservoir, practically dry on Thursday, has changed radically in a matter of a weekend. Unlike previous episodes, these rains have been very effective in recharging aquifers and reservoirs because water has fallen on a wet terrain and the runoff has filled the rivers. The Alt Empordà again breathes it again the region of the Alt Empordà (Girona), which seemed cursed with the rains for more than three years, has received a huge oxygen ball thanks to to the large amount of water fallen. The main reservoir that supplies the tourists and agricultural municipalities of the region, the Darnius Boadella, has folded from a meager 16% on Friday of reservations to 30.3% in just two days. The figure will increase more during this week because right now in the reservoir they continue to enter a lot of water. The 12 municipalities that drink from this reservoir, Cabanes, Cadaqués, Castelló d’Empúries, Figueres, Fortià, Llers, Riumors, Roses, Santa Llogaia d’Alguema, Vilamalla, Vila-Sacra and the Far d’Empordà, continue in an emergency phase by drought and apply the most severe restrictions, as the total suppression of the total suppression of the irrigation of irrigation Agrícola, the veto to the irrigation of public and private gardens and domestic consumption is limited to a maximum of 200 liters per inhabitant and day. There are also 20 municipalities in the region, which depend on aquifers, which have declared the emergency phase. (Tagstotranslate) Reservoirs
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