UNRWA Commissioner-General Philipse Lazarini said in a social media post on Friday that the people there have been facing systematic inhumanization since the war started in Gaza. He has said, “Palestinians matters, in which Ghaja People are also involved.
Their rights, life and future matters… and human rights cannot be implemented in discriminatory. Later, this proposal is also described by the United Nations Secretary -General as “racist destroyer ‘. In his statement, two nations have reiterated the matter of United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres and said that an independent Falstinian country was established for peace The need is in which Gaza will be an integral part. UNRWA chief said that his agency teams, “Palestinians are committed to continue to provide significant assistance to the refugees, who are most needed.” “This help till then As long as strong Palestinian institutions do not become a permanent option. ”It is worth noting that UNRWA, Israel’s Eastern Jerushelum, was ordered to vacate their premises in January, and the international staff of this agency Visa for the visa was also not re -released. Its teams are still providing help to the people in the Western Coast and Gaza, including Eastern Yuushelum. Food and medical help continues United Nations agencies, providing recent information about their assistance works in Gaza. 14 thousand more people are still yet to be removed from Gaza, for better treatment. Apart from this, the World Food Program (WFP) has delivered more than 15 thousand tonnes of food, with the food packets distributed to 5 lakh 25 thousand people Cash and cash distribution includes. Universe has arranged for more than 10,000 children since the ceasefire came into force. Relief coordination of the nation’s relief coordination, Tom Flature, has its own weeks, Israel and Palestinian sector The journey of a lot has also continued on Friday. In this journey, he visited a school run by UNRWA in Gaza in Gaza, which has been converted into a shelter for displaced families. Tom Flature has many other displaced people. Have also met who have taken horrific problems during the last 16 months.
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