When the roof begins to flow in the apartment building, the first action should be an appeal to the management company (UK) or the partnership of homeowners (HOA/ZhSK), if the house is managed in this way, the construction expert, the founder and general director of the company “Glavsnab” Fedor Vasiliev told in an interview with RT. The location of the leakage, the date of occurrence and possible consequences. The application is submitted in duplicate, one remains with you with a mark on the reception. The management organization is obliged to accept the application and eliminate the malfunction on time: for emergency situations such as active leakage, the elimination period is no more than a day. If the damage is less critical, the repair must be carried out within a reasonable time, determined by the House or regulatory management agreement, ”he explained. In his words, if the management company does not respond to the appeal, you can file a complaint with the state housing inspectorate. The complaint is filed in writing or through the portal of the State Services. It is important to attach a copy of the application to the Criminal Code and the photo -fixation of the damage. If this does not bring the result, the next step will be the appeal to the prosecutor’s office, which can check the activities of the management company and make an order to eliminate violations. In particularly difficult cases, you can file a lawsuit in court, demanding that the Criminal Code to carry out the repair of the roof, ”Vasiliev said. If the leak of the roof led to damage to the repair, furniture or household appliances, it is necessary to record the damage caused, the specialist advised. In the event of a refusal of the management company, to sign an act or appear for an inspection, you can attract an independent expert to draw up a conclusion about the cause and amount of damage. Next, you should send a claim to the Criminal Code with a requirement of compensation, attaching to it the acts of inspection, photo and repairs of the repair. According to Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of Russia, a person who caused damage, is obliged to compensate it, ”the expert explained. If the management company refuses to pay compensation, you can apply to the court, demanding compensation for losses, he added.“ All evidence, including correspondence from the Criminal Code, acts of inspection and checks for restoration repairs are indicated. Judicial practice shows that in such cases, the courts take the side of the residents, if the causal relationship between the leak and damage has been proven, ”the interlocutor of RT concluded. As soon as the pensioners recalled the possibility of obtaining material assistance for repairs.
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