Amélie de Montchalin firmly denied any confiscation of the French savings to finance the defense. “There is no confiscation project,” she said this Saturday, March 15, denouncing a “confusion” fueled by rumors and disinformation. The government is only thinking about voluntary savings products. © Thierry Monasse/Getty Images save saved Receive defense alerts no, the State will not “prick” the savings of the French to finance defense investments. This is confirmed by Amélie de Montchalin, Minister of Public Accounts, on France Inter on March 15. “There is no project to confiscate the savings of the French. We are not going to expropriate the French. We are not going to take their money and forcibly to say that you want it or not, you will find yourself an investor of this or that defense company “,” she said.emmanuel Macron recently envisaged the launch of “savings products” to increase defense investments in the context of war in Ukraine. On social networks, some deduce that the state will “prick” the economies of the French. But it is false: the Ministry of Economy assured AFP that it was “out of the question of confiscating the savings of anyone”. Such punctures, against the advice of savers, would also be illegal, explain experts to AFP. “Everyone retains their savings and remains free to do what they want,” said the Ministry of the Economy, contacted by AFP on March 7. To read also: War effort: the French do not want us to use their savings of persistent rumors on social networks with the war in Ukraine, rumors of requisition of the savings of the French for so-called finance the aid sent has been circulating for months on social networks. “Savings seized in 72 hours” by the State, “500 euros taken” from the accounts of “one in ten French people”, freedom for the State to “requisition”: AFP demonstrated in several verification items that these info was unfounded. But after new statements by Emmanuel Macron at the end of February 2025, their circulation again intensified, certain Internet users going so far as banks to put them out of reach of the state. On February 20, during an exchange on social networks with Internet users around the conflict, the Head of State indicated that he “did not exclude” “launching savings” and “calling on the nation” to “finance certain French defense programs”. Read also: finance the defense with private savings? Minister Eric Lombard wants to reassure the French a mobilization of voluntary savings, on March 5, the day after the United States announcement of the suspension of their aid to Ukraine, and faced with “the Russian threat”, he underlined in a television address that France will have in 2030 “doubled the budget of (its) armed in almost ten years”, but that it must make “new investments that require to mobilize Private funding but also public funding, without taxes being increased. “in the process, a multitude of posts, some little shared and others relayed several hundred or even thousands of times, have flooded social networks. Calls to “withdraw now” the funds from his savings accounts also circulate on Tiktok via videos shared for some thousand times. The rumor is also propagated on YouTube, but also by political leaders of the sovereignist right, who denounce the will of the State to “prick the savings of the French”. To read also: mortgage, scholarship … beware of the impact of investments in the defense of the EU The time of reflection, it is all all of this is a “confusion” and a “fantasy” which allow “to maintain the number of clicks and to play on anxieties”, explained to AFP Philippe CREVEL, general manager of the Circle of Savings, March 7. There is currently no project to requisition the French savings, only avenues to mobilize that of savers who would like to voluntarily participate in the financing of additional defense expenses. An appropriation of this savings by the State would also be illegal, underline experts interviewed by our colleagues. The hypothesis of a blockage of the economies of the French – and not of a requisition – is only possible in the case of financial instability. Concretely, for the time being, the government is only at the stage of reflection. On March 7 on Europe 1, Prime Minister François Bayrou gave himself “weeks, perhaps up to two months”, to decide how to mobilize additional means to increase military spending without however “leaving aside” for example education. Read also: a “forced loan” to finance the defense, Alain Minc makes a daring proposal Receive our latest news every day, the selection of the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) d u00e9fense
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