Copper and zinc deficiencies are a problem that affects many of Argentina’s livestock establishments and can generate productive losses of up to 17 kilos between the birth and wean Suplenut, a solution that revolutionized the market in 2008. This new solution, which incorporates selenium in its formula is key to strengthening the immune system of livestock, since a deficiency of these minerals can compromise the health of bovines, directly affecting the daily gain, especially in growth calves and animals in rereading. “Through dialogue with producers, and through diagnostic techniques, we have detected the reality of the lack of these minerals in the establishments. That is why this new and complete solution that adds to the Bagó biogenesis porpholio, comes to prevent this mineral deficiency that can affect the weight gain of the calves, affecting the results, ”said Juan Cruz Muriel, Commercial Technical Manager of Biogenesis Bagó, during the launch of the product in the Argentine meat livestock. The framework of a series of meetings where the company reinforced its commitment to providing tools and information to the producer to contribute to the development and improvement of the productivity of its rodeos, giving a “productive leap” by the hand of biogenesis bago. Importance of technology “In Argentina, livestock always has opportunities because there is a territory that allows it to develop a very good livestock, it has good soils with availability of making pastures. And at this time we are with the price levels of the calf and price of the steer that are at the maximums, with which the producer has the incentives, in addition to having open meat exports, “said Muriel. But he made a clarification:” It is a time where you have to go in the search for productive efficiency, the intensification of the productive systems, which must be invested and you have to work for that to give profitability. In livestock approaches, whether they are breeding, or they are remedy and termination, they require immobilizing a large working capital to be profitable, ”he said. “They achieve the highest productive results. And producers who may not advise, do not invest, have lower productive results, ”he said. And gave a specific example. “The weaning percentage is 65%, that is, 10 cows, there are 4 that do not give us a calf and that with management, with food, can be reversed and we can be achieving quietly levels of weaning greater than 70%,” he said.
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