Tinder Dating Safety Guide Released In Four Indian Languages Ahead of Safer Internet Day
Tinder released its dating safety guide in four Indian languages on Friday. The Match Group-Owned Dating App Said That The Guide was created in collability with the non-profit institution center for social research (CSR) ahead of the safer internet day, who ury 11.
The company said That the guide was part of its ongoing commission to education and awaker Around online dating safety in India. Tinder Recently Conducted A Survey in the Country, And the Translated Guide was Developed on the Basis of the feedback receive.tinder releases The release of its dating safety guide in four regional Indian Languages Including Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, and Marathi. Notably, The Dating Guide was the first released in September 2023 in English, and the Company Claims it has been viewed more the one million times and has 50,000 downloads.recentlice, the company conducted a survey s’ biggest priority before going on the first date with someone they met through a dating app was safety and security. Additional, 37 Percent of Surveyed Individuals What Video Call their match before going Ed the company introduce educational content in their native language. The company stated that it is committing to create inclusive and more informed dating experiences for diverse users in India.throux Y guide is available to be downloaded in the Abovemented Regional languages. Users can also see tips mentioned in these cards as well as online Resource destinations where they can find more information about online safety with dating and meeting new people. to look for “red flags” (Things that might not feel right) and “Green Flags” (Signs of Respect and Kindness), Definition and Contextual Understanding of Context, and how to use safety tools provided with the tinder. 6
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