I wonder if there will be someone capable of preventing Donald Trump from continuing to make decisions that not only harm his allies, but also to the United States and their own voters. Will the famous checks and balances established by the Constitution work? Will the other powers of the State achieve some form of control? Jacquelyn Martin / AP The Senate and Congress do not seem to be in a position to do so.
The republican majority in the cameras and the resigned passivity of many republican senators and congressmen, who probably do not look at their way of governing, but who do not want to face him, make him unlikely. The senior officials, what Trump calls Deep State, are frightened by the cuts of Elon Musk’s team and the possibility of being crucified by a tweet campaign and they do not say or Pío. The liberal press, overwhelmed by the networks, either has enough strength to stop him. The Judiciary remains. We are already seeing how not a few decisions of Trump end at the table of the magistrates. The Supreme Court, which is the one that, ultimately, will have to make the most relevant decisions, has a majority of conservative judges, three of them proposed by Trump during their first mandate. But the Magistrates of the Supreme are jurists with a respectable career and it is not easy for them to be dragged to approve unconstitutional decisions. We will have to see what they do, case by case. At the moment, there are already some weight sentences contrary to Trump, such as the one that a few days ago ruled that the president has exceeded his constitutional powers by freezing almost all the expenditure abroad of the USAID agency. Sooner or later, most citizens will realize that they are taking them by Bobossin, however, I trust elementary physics, that of the law of gravity. The motto of moving quickly and breaking things (Move Fast and Break Things) may work in Tesla and Silicon Valley, but, in politics, it is very dangerous. The two million Palestinians living in Gaza will not evaporate, no matter how much Trump says he wants to turn the strip into a privileged tourist destination. Canadians will not accept to become a state in the United States. In Ukraine, Trump may be able to impose a peace agreement, but, if it is not a minimally fair agreement and does not contain security guarantees, it will be the threshold of a new war (civil among the Ukrainians or Russia against some other country of the extinct Uniósovietic). However, where the weight of reality will be felt more will be in the United States. American citizens, what happens in Gaza and in Ukraine they are interested in a relative way. As he said I don’t know who, war is the way God has to teach them geography. But the price of a dozen eggs in the supermarket directly affects them. Trump’s protectionism can be his worst enemy. To a president who faces the entire world with a free commercial war, in which no one can win, things can not do well. It is not necessary to have read the fundamental laws of human stupidity, by Carlo M. Cipolla, to see that it is not a very sagacious policy. Securities markets are already teaching. Against what he believes, tariffs often harm not only the country that receives them, but also to which imposes them, through jobs that are lost and prices that are triggered. And, when prices shoot, governments are staggering. Lee also Carles Casajuana Trump is cutting freedom of expression and calling into question the rights of women and minorities, for great joy of fundamentalists throughout Laya. It is disassembling social assistance programs and lowering taxes to the rich, deactivating crucial regulators for the proper functioning of the financial system and opening doors to Cleptocracy with measures such as the inclusion of cryptocurrencies in the country’s reserves. The ready on duty will benefit from it. But, sooner or later, most citizens will realize that they are taking them by fools. Trump and Musk want to make administration. With the excuse of fighting the deep state, they want to turn public servants into private butlers. We will have to see if they get it, because an administration like the American is not easy to disassemble. And, if they get it, it will be worse. The United States government cannot work if it does not have competent, loyal and safe officials of its position. Throwing in half arbitrarily is not a good formula to get others to be more loyal and efficient, just as they do without two wheels in a car do not usually make the other two work better. Washington’s gears are very complex. It is possible that Trump to cancel the balance of powers and counterparts established by the Constitution. It is also possible, if no one stops him, that, one day of these, repeals the law of gravity. But reality will end up imposing itself. My friend César Molinas had a physics teacher who asked, in class: “If the law of gravity did not exist, why would things fall?” And he himself replied: “By his own weight.” There is the question.
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