HighlightsThe people of America thought that he would be the strong President that the country needed. He showed the dream of a great and prosperous America to the people suffering from inflation and unemployment. After the strong supporter base, Democratic supporters also swung towards him. After the presidential election in America, the results are coming continuously. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump also gave a victory speech announcing his victory. He says that he will make America a great country in the world again. He showed people the dream that we will all live a happy and wonderful life again. However, Donald Trump is also a controversial figure. Many cases are going on against him. One or two of them have also been convicted. However, there is no doubt that Trump ran a tremendous election campaign for the last six months. Trump will be the first person in a century to become President. Then he lost the elections and after that he returned to the post of President by winning the next election. Another strange similarity is that he won the presidential election twice when there were women candidates against him. In the year 2016 he defeated Hillary Clinton. In 2020, the male candidate lost to Joe Biden. Now after four years, again defeated female candidate Kamala Harris. However, experts say that the presence of anti-women candidates also made Trump’s victory easier. Because American society is still generally more of a patriarchal society. Which also brings religion into politics. What are the five reasons for his tremendous victory? 1. Strong support base: Trump has his own strong support base. His support base remains with him continuously. For the same reason, not only was he able to become the presidential candidate again in the Republican Party, but during the election campaign he continuously showed that he is very strong. He got a lot of support in the rallies continuously during the election campaign. Crowd gathered. He dreamed of “making America great again.” His appeal to working-class voters, especially those without college degrees, maintained their traditional turnout. In fact, during the four years of Biden’s rule of the Democratic Party, people were disappointed in many matters. 2. Inflation and unemployment: Inflation has increased in America in the last four years. Besides, there has also been a problem of unemployment after Corona. The American economy is said to be in bad shape. However, Kamala Harris repeatedly said in her election speeches that the economy is back on track. Everything is better but the public did not believe what he said. They also felt that America was spending most of its money on outside work whereas the country needed it more. Trump’s campaign focused on economic recovery, promises of tax cuts and the return of strong manufacturing in America. By raising these issues in every meeting, he kept dreaming of returning to better days and a great America. His goal was to woo people by proposing further cuts in corporate taxes and regulation, in which he was largely successful. 3. Immigration Policy Trump’s stance on immigration reflects the concerns of many voters. Especially during the four years of the Biden administration, it became ingrained in people’s minds that people from outside are coming to the country. Strict action is not being taken against them. Border security is also a matter of concern. Trump has talked about strictly banning it. He talked about Americans First, that is, by ending immigration, the safety of Americans and their families will be put first. Trump clearly says that he will deal strictly with illegal immigration. 4. Heavy in swing states Trump successfully re-wrote key swing states like Georgia and North Carolina, which was essential for his electoral success. It is being said that the support Trump has received this time is more tremendous than his 2016 victory. His frequent visits and targeted campaigns in these areas have helped consolidate his support among voters who were previously Democratic but have now shifted to him. Especially he felt inspired by Trump’s promises that discrimination will end in the country and the country will become stronger and greater. People’s life will be much better. 5. People felt that he would be a strong President. In the times that America and the world are going through, the people of America felt that they needed a strong and clear-talking President. In this he saw Trump as absolutely perfect. Although Trump is controversial, he is embroiled in lawsuits. His affairs with women have brought him infamy, but despite all this, it seems that in the eyes of the American people, he was a person capable of being a strong President. For this reason he got stronger support this time. For this reason, not only he but his party is moving towards getting majority in the House of Representatives along with the Senate. Majority has been achieved in the Senate. Is close in the House of Representatives. Tags: Donald Trump, US President, US Presidential Election 2024FIRST PUBLISHED : November 6, 2024, 15:50 IST