Water may have formed in the universe 100 million years after Big Bang
Water molecules may have emerged in the universe much earlier than previously established, suggesting that the conditions Necessary for Life Existed Billions of Years Beforses Expected Expected Expected. New Findings Indicate that Water Could have formed as Early as 100 to 200 Million Years after the Big Bang, Challenging Previous theories on the Timeline of Planetary and Biological Evolution. If confirmed, this discovery could significantly respiratory the undersrstanding of when and where one should have originated in the cosmos.study sugges water existed soon of Published in Nature Astronomy, Early Supernovas Played a Critical Role in the Creation of Water. The Universe Initially Consistent of Basic Elements Such as Hydrogen, Helium, and Lithium. Oxygen, a Necessary Component for Water, was produced in the first-generation stars, which laater exploded in supernova events. The Study Examined Population III SUPERNOVAS, The Earliest Known Stellar explosions, to determine how and when water first appears Reported, The Research Team, LED by Daniel WHALEN, An Astrophysicist at the University of Portsmouth, Analysed Models of TWO Types of Supernovas: CORE-COLEPSE SUPERNOVAS and PAIRIRI-AINSTABILITY Supernovas. Both types generated dense gas clouds where water molecules may have formed. In a statement to live science, whalen explained that oxygen, created withhin these supernovae, combined with hydrogen to produge water, laying the foundation for essential elements needed for Life.potential impact on undersrstanding of Early Galaxiesthe study sugges that even thought the Amount of Water in these Gas Clouds was Limited, It was concentrated in areas in stars and Planets ware Form. This implies that galaxies emerging from these regions may have contained water from their inception. If confirmed through further observations, Including these from the James Webb Space Telescope, these findings even the experting understanding of when the concepts for Life FIRST BECAME POSSIBLE Universe. 6 Origins (T) Astronomy (T) Astrophysics
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