What is undof? Why do UN peacekeeper patrol on the Israeli-Syria border?

One of the longest -long -run peace campaigns in the United Nations is – the United Nations Military Inactivity Supervisor Force, known as its brief name Undof. It began even before half a century when the Middle East crisis erupted in 1973. The agreement on military wilgown between Israeli and Syrian forces came into force, with a separation for two similar areas of limited forces and weapons on both sides of the region. The area was determined. UndOF was established to monitor the implementation of this agreement. For your information: Peace establishment to end the crisis in 1973 immediately after the Israel-Mili War in 1973, in the Israel-Syria border region, the situation rapidly in March 1974 Got unstable, and the clashes were intensive. The UNDOF was established in the end of May 1974 and by June 3, the UN General Secretary appointed the interim commander of this UN Shantirksha Mission, who reached the Syrian capital Damascus on the same day. Were. Undof still works with the same mandate. What does UNDOF do? There has not been any significant change since 1974 in the UndOF mandate: • Maintaining a ceasefire between Israel and Syria. • Monitor the disintegration of Israel and Syrian forces. According to the military isolation and monitoring the border areas. The Security Council reviews the mandate of UndOF every six months and carries it on. The current mandate of UndOF is about to end on 30 June 2025. UndOF has two basis camps. Its headquarters located in FOR handles basic services and this UN peace force patrols day and night. Whenever a military personnel enters the field of isolation or tries to work, it intervenes peace. UndOF has launched a security and maintenance program in the field of isolation to identify and mark the landmines. UNDOF is one of the three United Nations peace missions posted in the region, whose job is to monitor the ceasefire and peace agreements. . The other two are – United Nations Agreement Supervision Organization (UNTSO), which was established in 1948. Apart from these, the United Nations Interim Force (Unifil) in Lebanon has also been deployed since 1978. What is the region of military wilgown? The region of military vilgav is an civilized area and its length is about 80 km, the width in the center has spread from 10 km to less than one km in the south, there is a mountainous area in the north, on which Mount Hermon is dominated by the United Nations, permanently posted mission at the highest place of the United Nations. It is located at an altitude of 2,814 meters, where the ice continues to fall and the peacekeeper patrols the winter season’s special equipment. This area is inhabited and historically Syrian officials have been monitoring it. Any military force besides UndOF is not allowed to work inside the region. UndOF monitors these restrictions, Israel’s military forces (IDF) and military bases of Syrian security forces, through every fortnight inspection. This monitoring observer is a group called Observer Golan, which includes the military observers of the UNTSC. The main challenges in the current Middle East crisis Undof have recorded incidents of ceasefire violations during the last few years and have resolved them together with Israel and Syrian officials. As growing, in Golanan, a missile killed 12 people. Recently, tension in the field of military willing increased when Israel’s military (IDF) moved forward in the region. At the same time early December (2024), new Syrian real authorities, by eviction of President Bashar al -Assad, had taken possession. Undof Shantikas, remain in their position before December 2024 and continue important tasks like monitoring and patrolling the ceasefire line. In the middle of January (2025), he told this in the information presented to the Security Council. The residents of the Golon have also expressed concern to the Undof, in which they searched their relatives and amidst the news of arrests, to the Israeli forces. Asked to be released from its villages. The presence of IDF and road barriers, have also severely affected the operating capacity of Undof, which has reduced its daily vehicle convoys and has also affected its freedom of movement. Undof, harmonizing with new realities, has adjusted its perspective, facing these current operating challenges. Immediate security concerns like passive, have also noticed the security concerns. On January 17, on January 17, the Security Council told that “it is necessary that the United Nations peacekeepers should be allowed to do their determined work without any obstruction.” He maintained a ceasefire from all the parties and to honor the terms of the 1974 agreement. Urged “We depend on the continuous support of the member countries, for the mandate to fully implement the mandate.” Can Undof use force? Yes. UndOF peacekeepers have the right to use force in self -defense or to protect United Nations personnel, bases and equipment. Emphasizes observation and convenience. More information about UndOF can be seen here.

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