According to SRA figures (auto security and repair), the average cost of car repair has increased by almost 26% in five years. According to this same assessment, 45% of claims concern the front of vehicles, that which, in this case, houses the most expensive equipment.
© Malta Luk / Pexels – The cost of labor since 2020 has been up 20.8%. Save save Receive car alerts The price of spare parts can quickly flambé the repair bill for your vehicle after a collision. And if these pieces are at the front, expect a particularly salty note. This is confirmed by the latest SRA (Security and Automobile Security and Repair, which brings together car insurance companies operating in France), relayed by the magazine L’Argus. According to this data, the average cost of repair has increased by 25.7% in five years. And the most expensive cost of the vehicle, unsurprisingly, is the front, where the most expensive engine and equipment are located. However, it is also the part most exposed to risks, since it concerns 45% of claims. “It is enough of a post” and between the lighthouse, the indicators, the fog light, the bumper … “We will be on a repair which can arrive very quickly at 5000 euros” explains to reporters of TF1 Celso de Araujo, manager of the Garage des Longrais in Saint-Grégoire. A client on site confirms: “We had to redo the whole front. And it is true that it cost me a little more than 3000 euros. Just change the tires, the drain … “, but even” a very small repair is not given “. The repair of a windshield cost 14.4% more expensive in 2024 compared to 2020, that of a 9.6% hood, that of the shield grid 8.7% and that of the grille 8.3% details TF1. Read also: Auto repair: why petrol cars do not regret to go to the mechanic in four years, the prices of spare parts have increased by 29%in four years, the prices of spare parts have increased by 29%. “10 years ago out of a 206, we replaced a lighthouse, it was 127.38 euros excluding tax. And the same lighthouse today is 255.31. It doubled, “says Celso de Araujo. It must be said that new vehicles have increasingly sophisticated technologies. Cause and effect report: The cost of labor has followed the same trajectory since 2020, with an increase of 20.8%. “We spend more time on the same intervention. And then there are the skills of technicians who are forced to be more successful, so we are forced to train them. And the technician, when he is trained, is worth more, ”continues Celso de Araujo. Read also: Here are the newest cars sold since the start of the other price increasing, that of painting: 26.8% more in four years. So, for some, the calculation is quickly done: you might as well send the cars to the scrap. According to SRA data, over the entire year 2024 in France, the rate of so -called economically irreparable vehicles increased by 1.5 points (10.8 % in 2024). This represents approximately 162,000 vehicles sent to scratch after a disaster, the total sum of repairs exceeding the value of the vehicle after expertise. And as argus points out, the electrification of the car fleet is not likely to lower invoices. Receive our latest news twice a week, automotive news at a glance. (tagstotranslate) Car accident
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