The Story of Donald Trump’s Grandfather: Donald Trump, who is becoming the President of America for the second time, is the son and grandson of immigrants. He is German from his father’s side and Scottish from his mother’s side. Neither of his grandparents nor his parents were born in the United States. No member of his family spoke English as his mother tongue. Trump’s international roots make him stand out among other American presidents. Of the last ten presidents, only two – Trump and Barack Obama – had parents born outside the United States. Donald Trump’s own immediate family has also been similarly international. Two of his three wives were originally from the Czech Republic and Slovenia. The only one of their five children, Tiffany is the child of two American-born citizens. While his daughter Ivanka is the first Jewish member of the first family in American history. When and how did Trump’s grandfather’s fully loaded ship S.S. arrive? Eder arrived at America’s first immigration center, Castle Garden in New York City, on October 17, 1885. Hundreds of prospective Americans from Germany made the 10-day journey to their new home in the North Atlantic. Among them was a thin, light-haired 16-year-old boy, who had left his hometown, a small wine-making village. Where working hard meant just getting by. It was Frederick Trump who was standing on the deck and waiting for his first glimpse of New York Harbor. Read this also- Explainer: If the case does not start in India as soon as he becomes President, then what will happen if Trump’s grandfather used to work as a barber in America? Author Gwenda Blair has written in her book, ‘The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an Empire’, “ Frederick Trump didn’t have much. This young man, who knew the work of a barber, had brought only a few clothes in a small suitcase. He did not even know how to speak and write English. He didn’t have anything like a high school diploma. He was only literate, but in German.” That teenager started making his fortune. Frederick married Elizabeth Christ, a girl from his hometown. They had three children. His second child, Frederick Christ Trump, expanded the family’s real estate portfolio in the 1940s and 1950s. He married Mary Anne MacLeod and had five children. Read this also- Explainer: How does a country get to host the Olympics, what is its process? Today he is against immigrants. Donald Trump was the fourth child of his family. No one knew then that Donald would become the most famous in the family. Donald will now be the 47th President of America. Perhaps this is called the account of fate. Trump, whose grandfather, grandmother, parents, wife and children are not even American, is known for his harsh immigration policies. He has always been against people coming to America as immigrants. Just imagine, if any President had done this at that time, the head of his family would have been stopped from coming to America. Trump became the 45th president in 2016. Experts say that under today’s policies, Frederick Trump would have been treated as an unaccompanied minor or ‘unaccompanied alien child’. Until his elder sister was appointed as his guardian. At the time of his arrival his elder sister was his only relative in America. He would have been put in what people in the immigration world call the rocket docket. More than a century later, in 2016, Frederick Trump’s grandson Donald Trump became the 45th President of his grandfather’s adopted country. Trump lost the next election to Joe Biden in 2020, but in 2024 he defeated Democrat candidate Kamala Harris by a large margin. Read this also – Ratan Tata had inherited valuable guns, know who got their ownership rights. However, it is surprising that for decades, Trump worked to completely deny his German heritage. He claimed that his grandfather’s roots were further north, in Scandinavia. “He came here from Sweden as a child,” Trump wrote in his co-written book ‘The Art of the Deal’. But his cousin and family historian John Walter told The New York Times, “Trump made this move at the behest of his father, Fred Trump. “He tried to disguise his German ancestry so that his Jewish friends and customers would not be bothered by his German origins.” Also read- Explainer: Which are the 28 seats in Jharkhand assembly elections that can lock the fortunes of any party? The reality was that the members of the Trump family have repeatedly tried to hide their German heritage. But at the NATO summit in his first term, Trump admitted that his father came from Germany. In fact, Frederick Christ Trump was born in New York, 20 years after the president’s grandfather, Frederick Trump, first arrived. Tags: Donald Trump, President Donald Trump, Trump news, United States of AmericaFIRST PUBLISHED : November 7, 2024, 12:47 IST