The Russian authorities continue to pursue people who sacrificed the Corruption Fund (FBK) money after the organization was declared “extremist”. We already wrote that the security forces probably calculate the FBK donators for special identifiers that are visible in the statements of operations in the account. After the release of the material, one of the readers of Medusa shared such an extract with us and told how he received it. Based on these data, we drew up instructions that, we hope, will be useful if you also donated Navalny’s team in the “extremist period” and are at risk. But before – an important disclaimer. We do not know whether it is possible to attract the attention of special services to the service of your bank’s support. Including because we do not understand whether the security forces have a list of all FBK donators in the hands. So if you are in Russia and are not going to leave the country in the near future, we do not advise you to use this instruction. And vice versa: if you are not planning to go to your homeland abroad, be sure to check yourself. Please share with us the results of the request for a safe communication channel: the more feedback we get, the more confidently we can reinforce or dispel the fears associated with the possible criminal prosecution of FBK donators. Why do I need to know this? To evaluate my risks. It is the identifiers in banking transfers that appear in criminal cases against the Russians who sent the Donates of the FBK. With their help, the authorities prove that specific people transferred money from their bank cards from August 2021 to February 2022 through the Donaters are finished with large fines (from 300 thousand rubles). Others are sentenced to real terms. So, in December 2024, a resident of Kaliningrad was sentenced to eight months in prison for a donat of 200 rubles. And in February 2025, the Nemtsov Most Volunteer Viktor Levakov was planted for three and a half years in four donuts for a total of 3,500 rubles. Ask a detailed discharge about a specific transaction in the Bankav support service of ordinary extracts of the FBK you will most likely will not find the V2NI29SJROMGYKY identifiers and BMMYOVWWA, which appear in criminal cases of financing “extremist activity.” Therefore, you need to do this: contact the bank support service; ask for a detailed discharge of your transfer with technical payment about payment. There should be indicated data on the battery, the end recipient of the money recipient (Merchant ID and Terminal ID) and the information about the intermediary (Payment Facilitator)-if he participated in the operation; indicate the specific day, the amount of the transfer and the card that you paid (do not specify that you sent the money of the FBK!). The Medusa, which helped us to draw up this instruction, does not know how the conditions for servicing your card are affected on the readiness of the support service to share a detailed extract. In his opinion, in any case, the certificate should be issued if it is quite persistent to explain that this information is definitely at the disposal of the bank. Find the identifier V2NI29SJROMGYKYETO MERCHANT ID. That is, the identifier of a particular seller of goods or services when calculating with payment cards. FBK and any human rights or charitable organization that collects donates is also considered a “seller”. Sota Project claims that the FSB has learned to calculate the people who sent FBK money. I’m in danger? Unfortunately, this is possible-if you sent donates in 2021-2022, the BMMYOVWATO Terminal ID identifier. That is, the code assigned to a specific physical or virtual payment terminal. For example, if there are several cash desks in one store and each has its own physical terminal (the device through which customers pay cards), then these terminals will have the same Merchant ID, but different Terminal IDs. In case of collecting donations through a separate page using the same integration of the payment service (like Stripe), the virtual payment terminal should remain the same for everyone Donations. In the discharge of our reader, this identifier is called the “ID terminal.” In this case, in the materials of the criminal case published by Sota Project, it is also present – but already as the “Equire Code”, that is, the identifier of a financial organization that processes transaction on cards for sellers. And yet we believe that BMMYOVOVOVWA is precisely Terminal ID. For two reasons. In the first, according to the rules of the ISO 8583 international standard, the terminal identifier (or rather Card Acceptor Terminal Identification) may consist of no more than eight signs-letters, numbers and special characters. BMMYOVWA is just eight letters. The documentation of the VISA payment system provides such examples of this identifier: 80046578, 8RNL9055, 073, Ri895B. Whereas the Equiring Institute IDentification Code can contain up to 11 signs, but it should only be numbers. Wasteen, the verdict of the Omsk anti-war activist Anton BMMYOVWA Road is mentioned precisely as the “terminal number” and Atmid, that is, the Banking Automobile Identifier– Atm. The rug was detained in September 2023 and condemned in April 2024 for the Donates of the FBK. He gave a confession, and he was immediately released and exempted from a fine of 300 thousand rubles, because the court took the time to stay in a pre -trial detention center. We did not find other sentences with the mention of this identifier in the open access. The presence of these two identifiers of the seller back in August 2021, shortly after the restart of crowdfunding on, in the commentary of Novaya Gazeta was warned by the former IT consultant of the FBK Vladislav Zsolnikov: as Vladislav Zdolnikov for each explains each other There are so -called unique identifiers – Merchant ID and Terminal ID: “The bank does not show these identifiers in the description of payments, but they exist and are visible to the Russian authorities. With their help, you can track where the payment is sent. “If other identifiers are indicated in your certificate – still contact us. Everything was found. What to do now? If you are in Russia or plan to go there, the right decision is to consult a lawyer. With him you can discuss the defense strategy. For example, whether in your situation it is worth using an article on the financing of “extremist organizations”, which exempt from the criminal liability of those who themselves informed about their offense (we definitely do not advise you, but the defender may have other arguments). It is possible that the most reliable option is to just leave Russia (if you can afford it). Let us about it if you want. Perhaps your comment will come in handy to help other people at risk. Thank you! I have important information for Medusa, but I’m afraid to transmit it. How to do this really anonymous? Denis Dmitriev (Tagstotranslate) News
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