A total of 167 people have been evicted in the Chabolist town of Las Sabinas, located on the shore of the Guadarrama River, due to the flood of the flow by the rains. As indicated to EFE from the City Council of Móstoles, 60 infravoyance of the Chabolist town, which was a “sensitive” area for its proximity to the river and remained “preventive” in the way of the possibility of growing floods, have been evacuated.
Rawing of the channels of Los Río Lozoya, Jarama, Guadarrama and Henares The Consistory has offered all housing alternative families, although only two of them have accepted municipal resources and the rest have been welcomed by relatives. In addition, a dog of one of the families has been housed in the municipal animal reception center. Also read the City Council of Móstoles keeps the Municipal Emergency Plan, Floodost, in Wednesday before the forecast of persistent rainfall in the region, and that have caused the flood of the channels of the Lozoya, Jarama, Guadarrama and Henares rivers, causing some overflows. Six roads in the Community of Madrid continue to be cut by the accumulation of water due to the heavy rains that have been registered in the region in recent hours, specifically, the M-538 in Santa María de la Alameda (station), the M-600 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, the M-611 in Rascafría, the M-620 in Alpedrete, the M-622 Guadarrama and the M-637 Lozoya.
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