Aggressive for the gastrointestinal tract, products must be minimized so as not to aggravate allergies, said the lifting director of the “preventive medicine” NTI Healthnet (“Helsnet”), CEO of “Healthy Health” Sergey Chudakov. System-conservated, pickled and excessively seasoned products adversely affects the mucosa of the digestive tract and bile altitude.
Food that is not suitable for a particular person, for example exotic, ”said the doctor,” the doctor said. He said that some experts are of the opinion that allergies arise due to the imbalance of health, and not just the effects of external factors and genetic predisposition. “Genetic predispositions may not manifest itself during human life if those lifestyle are not present that are factors that are not present that are factors that are not present. Warm up by their manifestation. In order to get rid of an allergic state that annually overtakes a person, sometimes forcing to leave the region so as not to encounter an allergen, you need to pay attention to your health as a whole and take the necessary measures that can prevent an exacerbation of a state at an allergic level, ”said Chudakov. Allergiks should adhere to a balanced diet, not aggressive for the aggressive for Gastrointestinal tract, the doctor notes. First of all, according to him, this includes products characteristic of the area where a person lives. “The technology of cooking products plays an important role. They should be prepared by gentle heating (cooking, stewing, steamed), which does not damage the structure of the products, does not bring additional combustion products that occur when using the pan and heating of vegetable oil. You can also use medicinal plants, mineral water, which smooths out the imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract functions, ”the doctor concluded. I am an allergologist, the immunologist of the medical company SberZdorovye Daria Chernushevich told RT that flowering is already actively beginning in the southern regions of Russia and“ pollen-skills ”can come to other areas with the wind, which may now cause people with symptoms from people. Sides of the mucous membranes, eyes and lungs.
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