date and what is commemorated

On April 2, Argentina commemorates the day of the veteran and the fallen in the War of Malvinas and many people wonder if this holiday moves as a long weekend. According to the national holiday calendar published by the headquarters of Cabinet, in 2025 on Wednesday, April 2 belongs to the category of immovable holidays, which means that it cannot be rescheduled, regardless Therefore, at the beginning of April there will not be an extended weekend, but most Argentines can enjoy a rest day in the middle of the work week. The month of April will have two days holidays that will be used by many Argentines to rest or travel. Both dates are part of a religious tradition that celebrate the Christian events related to Holy Week. This date recalls the beginning of the war conflict that occurred in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom for the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. That day, the Argentine forces disembarked in the islands, which marked the beginning of the war. A 8:45, as part of the joint operation to reaffirm Argentine sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, the C-30 Hercules plane, registration TC-68, a total of 23,544 Argentines participated in this tubal conflict, of which the Half were newly graduated from the mandatory military service. The confrontation resulted in the death of 649 Argentine soldiers, 255 British and 3 islands. The commemoration of April 2 as the day of the veteran and the fallen in the Malvinas War was established by law of the National Congress in the year 2000. In addition, as of June 2006, it was established as an immovable national holiday. They died in the islands, to all veterans who fought, the fallen during the postwar period and their families.

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