The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov left France on the morning of March 15, where he was accused of crimes related to organized crime, AFP said, referring to sources. The agency’s seniority said that Durov had left the permission of the authorities. According to another source, the investigative judge allowed the businessman to leave France “for several weeks.” The judge satisfied Durov’s request to change the conditions of his detention a few days ago, the interlocutor of the agency close to the case said. Durov went to Dubai, another unnamed source told AFP. The representative of Telegram refused to comment, saying that the company will make a statement later on the background of the news of the Cryptocurrency Tonsoin more What is 10%. Pavel Durov lived in France under judicial control in connection with the investigation carried out in relation to him. In France, Durov is accused of complicity of the spread of drugs and child pornography, as well as the refusal to provide information at the needs of the bodies. Durov was detained in August 2024. A few days after the detention of the businessman, they released five million euros with an obligation to be celebrated in the police. He was forbidden to leave France. Since then, he has been in Paris. As a journalist-investigator Andrei Zakharov noted, in the last quarter of 2024, that is, after detention, Durov “sharply increased” cooperation with the French authorities. In October-December 2024, Telegram provided the local authorities with almost 1,400 users, which is twice as much as in the previous nine months. “Hunting for Pavel Durov” Politico said that the case against the founder of Telegram began with the Politico Hunting Politico suspect in the pedophilia that the founder was against the founder Telegram began with a policeman correspondence with a suspect in pedophilia (Tagstotranslate) News
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