Watch out for loyalty cards!

Loyalty cards, popular with their advantages, also expose consumers to cybercrime risks. An investigation reveals how hackers use these programs to orchestrate bank fraud, highlighting the vulnerability of the personal data collected by the large distribution brands. Save save Receive Arnaw alerts Loyalty cards, omnipresent in large distribution, allow access to attractive promotions and discounts. But behind this commercial advantage can hide a threat to consumer safety. A TF1 20 hour survey broadcast on March 15, 2025 reveals that these programs can be used by cybercriminals to orchestrate sophisticated banking scams. When a customer subscribed to a loyalty card, he provides a lot of personal information: name, address, telephone number, email address and sometimes even RIB. “We give the address, we give the phone, we give the email,” confirms a consumer interviewed by TF1. These apparently harmless data is actually precious for hackers. Read also: False transfer orders: How not to be fooled? Numerous sensitive information, certain brands such as Auchan, Picard, Boulanger or Cultura have already been victims of massive hacks. Computer scientist Centho, cybersecurity specialist, explains that these databases contain complete information on customers. “A hacker can get a customer number, the name, the first name, the validity date of the card … There is a lot to be used with that,” he alerts. One of the main risks linked to these data leaks is the usurpation of banking identity. With the information collected, a cybercriminal can call a victim by pretending to be a banking advisor and asking him to validate a fraudulent operation. A testimony collected by TF1 illustrates this method. “He knew my personal information and asked me: ‘Your card number ends well with these figures?’ It reassured me, ”said a victim, who then gave his credit card to an accomplice of the fraudster. Result: a loss of almost 10,000 euros. Also read: Please note, are the elderly people particularly targeted by this scam of companies still too vulnerable the big brands take enough measures to secure the data of their customers? According to Antoine Leroy, cybersecurity expert at Thales, many companies do not always know where and how they store this sensitive information. “They struggle to classify critical data and protect it effectively,” he said. A situation all the more worrying as cyber attacks are now carried out by organized groups, far from the photo of the isolated hacker. These organizations use business flaws and consumer neglect to maximize their gains. To read also: beware, a new banking scam trap of thousands of customers how to limit the risks? To prevent these loyalty cards from becoming an entry door for crooks, some precautions are necessary: ​​• Provide only the strict minimum of information when registering (avoid indicating your telephone number or your full address). • Use a specific e-mail address for commercial subscriptions. • Telephone, even in the event of a supposed call from your bank. • Activate two factors authentication for your online accounts in order to add an additional safety layer. Also read: A very sophisticated scam affects Paypal users receive our latest news each morning, most of the capital news. (tagstotranslate) Scams

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