Gaza bandage: Due to closure of border posts, obstruction of food support efforts

Since the first phase of the ceasefire started on January 19, a large -scale humanitarian aid material was transported to the Gaza Strip. The first phase of the ceasefire of Egypt, Qatar and America ended two weeks ago. Due to unilaterally imposed on the entry of human assistance, food items, drugs and other over-essential goods are expected to be used for the local population. UN general secretary spokesperson Stephan Dujariq said during a regular press conference at New York Headquarters that there is fuel in Gaza, which has affected the movement of vehicles. The speed of the functioning of the relief workers of the front row has also become sluggish. “According to the UN office (OCHA) for coordination in humanitarian matters, there is also an immediate need for oxygen supply and power generator, so that life saving work can be continued in Gaza hospitals.” He said that at least two dozen additional generators will be required for health centers, since the first -two dozen additional generators will be required, since the first publicity will be required. It is a bouncing food program (WFP) in the costs that have said that till next month there is a store to support the food system in the kitchen and bakery for the next 30 days. Also, packets of food can be distributed to five and a half lakhs prepared for two weeks for two weeks. According to the UN spokes, the goods are being reduced slightly in the food packets given to the families, to run the food supply for a long time. It was also resorted to before the ceasefire. WFP provides support to 25 bakery in Gaza Strip. But on March 8, due to the cooking gas, six bakery was forced to close. Due to the closure of the bakers and lack of logistics, there is a boom in the food prices. The price of other excessive essential items including flour, sugar is increasing. In the meantime, the situation is deteriorating in the west coast. The UN Humanitarian Office has said that cases of violence by the residents of Israeli settlements have increased in some parts of the west coast. In these incidents, common people have been casualties, property has been damaged and there is a risk of displacement on Palestinian communities. During the last two weeks, there has been a risk of flud away. Since Monday, the Israeli security campaign has come up in the city of Genin, due to which 500 people have been displaced. The Union agency is providing cash vouchers for the month to 1.9 lakh people. But for the next six months, $ 26.5 million is required, so that these assistance efforts can be continued for 14 lakh people in Gaza and west coast.

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