Lawyer Vinogradov told what free services pensioners can get

For pensioners in Russia, it is provided for the provision of various free services that are aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly and supporting their social activity, in an interview with RT, the Doctor of Law, the Dean of the Faculty of Law NIU, Professor Vadim Vinogradov. So, older people can apply for the delivery of products and medicines, receive care and everyday affairs, and the lawyer reminded the lawyer. The pensioner cannot serve himself independently, he can be provided with the services of a nurse. This will require a medical opinion on the state of health and the execution of the contract for the provision of services. This can be done in the nearest integrated center of social services (KCSSU), ”the expert added. In his words, older people also have the right to receive free consultation in the State Law Bureau or by lawyers participating in the free legal assistance program.“ The necessary information about this social support and contact data on request will provide social protection authorities, ”Vinogradov will add. It is noted that the pensioners who have fallen into the first A difficult life situation has the right to count on receiving urgent assistance, including hot meals, products of food, clothing, shoes, essential items, temporary housing, as well as legal and psychological assistance. The conditions for obtaining targeted support, as well as a list of services in each region are set separately in agreement with the federal authority. Pensioners also rely for free or with a significant discount of drugs, for which it is necessary to contact the clinic and take a prescription from the doctor, ”he said. Literacy of free services, pensioners use a number of benefits and discounts,“ For example, in many regions there is a trip to public transport, sometimes distributed to suburban routes. Some pensioners living in the northern regions can compensate for the fare to the place of rest and back once every two years. To receive services, you need to contact the territorial branch of the social fund of Russia or submit an application in electronic form through the Public Service portal. In the field of education and culture, pensioners also have some privileges. They can take advanced training or retraining courses at employment centers, as well as attend museums, theaters and concerts with significant discounts or completely free, ”the specialist reminded. He added that in Moscow the Moscow Longevity project was launched, which provides older people with the opportunity to participate for free in various events and programs that contribute to their health and expand the development of new skills and expansion. Social contacts. “To become a participant in the project, a pensioner needs to contact the nearest social services center or MFC. There you can get all the information about available programs and sign up for interests of interest. Also, information about the project can be found on the official website of the mayor of Moscow and in mobile applications. A similar project called Russian Longevity is being implemented in the territory of 83 regions of the country and aimed at supporting the active and healthy life of the older generation, ”Vinogradov concluded. On April 1, 2025, an increase in social pensions is planned by 14.75%, a State Duma deputy, a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes Nikita Chaplin, recalled.

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