Gangrene is going to extend throughout Spain from Catalonia, thanks to episodes such as the “delegation” to the Generalitat of Catalonia of the State’s powers regarding immigration. A assignment that Basque nationalists have rushed to contemplate.
It will be inevitable: secessionist gangrene will run the entire State until the death of Spain as a historical entity, as a political project and as a scope of primary and immediate solidarity, in which all Spaniards are the same. The confederal drift is already unstoppable in its three stages (exaltation of plurinationality; establishment of bilateral or singular relations, and constitutional “mutation”, baked by the Constitutional Court) and in its epilogue (fall of the monarchy and proclamation of a confederal republic). Luck is cast: the current Pact of San Sebastián between the left, vertebrate by the Socialist Party, and the independentistas, together with the fracture and the lack of pulse of the right, as well as the atony of a good part of the citizens, makes it impossible to put an alternative to this unstoppable scrapping of the state, which seems to have already reached the point of no return. Toni Albir / EFE The most striking of this situation is the conviction that we all have, both those that drive and those who regret it, that the process is unstoppable and irreversible, that is, that it will inexorably arrive until the end, and that it will not have turning back. There are many who think that reason lies in the uninhibited personality of President Sánchez, oblivious to all limitation when pursuing his objectives. Surely this lack of clippers facilitates the scrapping of the State, but something else is needed, and this is, in my opinion, the complex relationship with the state of much of the left, which has always seen it, and see it even now, as an instrument of domination in the hands of the right, accustomed to considering Spain as its farm. And it is for this reason that this left does not disgust him to machihembrase with the independentistas, who consider the Spanish State as a “village prison”, to weave with them some alliances and subscribe some pacts aimed at the demolition of the State and the denial of Spain as a nation. And then? The separatists are clear: independence. And the left? A confederal republic with what is left of Spain, which will be, yes! Progressive. The situation in which Spain is found and its state is liquidation by demolition well, the Spanish right has also contributed largely to this debacle, for not having been successful to articulate an effective opposition led with vigor. A vacuum that is not attributable only to politicians, since the camed civil society has shone by its absence in the few debates and in the key moments. Perhaps due to lack of ideas, but surely due to lack of courage: those installed have not wanted to put their installation at risk. And the silence of the powerful has been clamorous and, in some cases, has been accompanied by their active collaboration as sad and silent comparsas. Lee also Juan-José López Burniol should not dramatize. Things are as they are and so you have to accept them: the current situation in which Spain and their state are liquidated by demolition. To say it is not to be pessimistic, but only realistic. Is there no hope for rectification and recovery? Many biempensors are inclined to do. I see it extraordinarily difficult, because redirecting the current situation would demand a courage, an effort and generosity that only occur when there is a strong sense of belonging to a community. And it is precisely the lack of a firm sense of belonging to Spain as a nation – as a community – that prevents, to tyrias and Trojans, the assumption of the sacrifices and responsibilities that would be essential to illustrate with illusion a common life project. Nevertheless, I don’t want to give the battle for loss. Because I know that, although it is true that his state is dying, Spain – my homeland – still lies live under him and, perhaps, “a voice like Lazarus hopes he tells him ‘Get up and go’”.
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