Of the more than a hundred arrests that occurred by the violent disturbances in the march of retirees on Wednesday, which was attended by Barrabravas against Congress, a day later there are only five left. There are five alleged protesters who were captured in flagrance by the Federal Police and who continue detained not by the incidents but for their criminal records.
Pablo César Oviedo, 42; Maximiliano Flores, 31; David Nazareno Ferreyra, 33; and David Exequiel Romero, 34. All Argentines. And that face capture orders in force for crimes committed that go from aggravated robbery, “kidnapping of knife weapons” and knife attacks. The list arises from the collection of the operation of the PFA to which Clarín accessed. The Federal Force arrested 28 people in the riots on Wednesday, including two 12 and 14 -year -old boys who delayed them, they were notified in the place and the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office was notified against the Contraventional Prosecutor’s Office and Missing Flagrance so that they were delivered to their parents. Between those who are still imprisoned, Medina had registered a request for current capture. Romero, so much, has a 2009 cause for armed robbery. And Ferreyra would face charges for illegitimate carrying of firearms in Rosario. Other detainees with a history were released. It was the case of Fernando Nicolás Rafart, 54; Sebastián Madueño, 47 and Iván Nicolás Bustamante, 25. also arrested a 33 -year -old Uruguay Bullrich, already anticipated that he will do the necessary actions to deport foreigners who were protagonists of incidents in front of Congress. In addition to the Uruguayan Rodríguez Santana, the PFA arrested Stéfano García Hernández, a 31 -year -old Peruvian, and Lisandro García Díaz, a Mexican of 27 who entered the country last year. Among the 28 arrests of the Federal Force also figured two women. Among the men, only two exceeded 60 years, although none of retirement age. Note in the city according to the Buenos Aires government, the city police arrested another 114 people on Wednesday. But in the early morning – and “for Whatsapp”, according to the Bullrich inks on his action Andrade of the Court No. 15 of the criminal, contraventional and offense jurisdiction, he released them all in the early hours of Thursday. Criticism of the Buenos Aires ruling as National for its striking speed for the release of the detainees. The Porteña Judge Karina Andrade released all the detainees of the city police. Vulnerables from our Republic, older adults. ”
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